Friday, December 22, 2017

Duck - Ente


This is what you need:

- 1 Duck

- 1 Apple

- 1 Orange

- 1 Onion

- Fresh Parsley

- Salt, pepper, Majoram

- 2 Carrots

- 2 Stacks of Celery

- 1 Onion

- 300 ml Red Wine

- 500 ml Chicken Broth

This is how you do it:

Clean the duck and tap dry it good. Cut the Apple, Orange, Onion into small dices. Add to a bowl. In this bowl add salt, Pepper, Majoram and fresh Parsley. Mix it well. Fill the Duck with this filling
and close it the Duck with sticks. Rub the skin of the Duck with salt, pepper and Majoram.

In the oven pan add the sliced carrots, Onion and Celery. You may also add the rest of the filling if
you have some left. Fill it up with the wine and the Broth. Place the Duck on a roast on top of the

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place in the Duck uncovered and roast it for 1 hrs.. After the hrs
turn the heat down to 325 degrees and let it bake for another 1 1/2 hrs. or until the internal Temp is reached 160 degrees.

Remove the Duck and let it rest a bit. Use the liquid from the fat pan (through a strainer) and 
remove some of the fat.

With this fat you may now start the Rue for your sauce. Add the fat in a separete sauce pan and add 2 TBSP of Flour. Now add the liquid and stir it well and simmer until its nice and creamy. Season
it with Salt to taste and maybe a bit Orange juice and wine. 

Usually we serve Potato dumplings and Red Cabbage with it. Bread dumplings also work or Tater Tots or Croquettes. 

Guten Appetit

Tocana de cartofi - Potato stew

                          Tocana de cartofi
                               Potato stew

This is a romanian dish. It's simple and good for cold days to fill you up.

This is what you need:

- 1 kg of soft boiling potatos (like you use for mashed potatos) diced

- 1 1/2 l of broth (chicken, beef, vegetable. Doesn't really matter and go after your taste)

- 1 Bell pepper, diced

- 1 onion, diced

- fresh Parsley, diced

- smoked pork lion or smoked sausage or smoked pork belly

- 50 gr Tomato Paste

- salt, pepper, paprika, Thyme

This is how you do it:

Dice everything. In a big pot heat up some oil. Fry the Onions and the Bell pepper until their soft.

Add the diced Potatoes and fry them for a couple of min with them. Now add the Tomato Paste and
stir well. Fill it up with the broth and season it to your taste. Add the fresh Parsley too.
Let it simmer for 30 min.. 

Now add the diced meat and let it simmer for another 10 min.. If its not creamy enough from the
Potato's, you may add a slurry of milk and corn starch until its a nice creamy stew.

Serve it with a pickle or enjoy it just like that.

Guten Appetit

gefuellter Blumenkohl - filled Cauliflower

                   Gefuellter Blumenkohl
                      filled Cauliflower

This is a very fast dish and easy to prepare. 

This is what you need:

- 1 head of Cauliflower (cooked until tender around 10 min in salt water)

- Bell pepper

- Onion

- 3 Slices of Ham

- 3 Slices of Harvati

- Butter and Flour and milk for the Bechamel

- grated cheese ( I used smoked Gruyere)

This is how you do it:

Once the Cauliflower is cooked until tender, let it cool down a bit. Cut the bell pepper and onion
into slices. Lay down the ham and add the harvati and roll it up. Cut it in half so you have 6 pieces
of ham/cheese.

Cook the Bechamel. Add 2 TBSP of Butter in a pot and let it melt. Add 2 TBSP of Flour and mix it
well. Let it cook for around 2 min.. Then add milk ( I used 1% Milk) around 250 ml. If its still to 
thick once it bubbled up, add more milk. Should be nice and creamy. Salt it and add Nutmeg to your taste.

Place the cauliflower on a baking sheet. Now stick it with the bell peppers, onions and ham/cheese rolls. Cover the cauliflower with the Bechamel. Now sprinkle the grated Gruyere on it.

Pup in the pre-heated oven of 375 degrees and let it bake for around 20 -25 min.. 

Guten Appetit

Zuericher Geschnetzeltes - veal Zuerich style

                   Zuericher Geschnetzeltes
                        Veal Zuerich style

Veal is not one of the cheapest meats. And you usually get them as scallions. Thats totally fine.
So you just have to slice them. Their lean in fat, soft and fast to cook. 

This is what you need:

- Veal meat (whole pack) sliced 

- 1 pack of mushrooms

- 2 TBSP Flour

- 3 TBSP Oil

- Salt, Pepper

- 100 ml beef broth (or 50 ml broth and 50 ml white wine)

- 150 ml heavy whipping cream (50 ml for the cooking, 100 ml you whip up to whipping cream)

- handful fresh cut chives

This is how you do it:

First slice the meat. Take it long side down and just cut them in thin stripes. Coat them with Flour and fry them brown in the oil. Salt and pepper them then remove them from the pan.

Add more oil and fry the mushrooms till they're nice and brown. Add the broth (or the broth and wine mix) and 50 ml of the heavy whip cream. Let it slowly simmer for a bit until its getting a nice 
creamy consistence. Then you add the meat back to the sauce. 

Whip up the 100 ml of the heavy cream without anything. Add it to the sauce. Its getting now a really
nice creamy and foamy consistence and makes it feel really light. Salt and pepper the sauce to your taste and add the fresh chives.

This dish goes good with Tater Tots, Croquettes, potato pancakes. 

Guten Appetit 

Monday, November 20, 2017

oven roasted Peaches with Greek Yogurt

                  Oven roasted Peaches  
                     with Greek Yogurt

I am not a big fan of Peaches to be honest. I think they're kind of boring. But this one here is a
keeper for sure. You can play a bit with flavors. But for me, this works.

This is what you need:

- Peaches, halfed and rock removed

- honey

- melted unsalted Butter

- cinnamon 

For the Yogurt:

- Greek Yogurt

- Heavy Whipping cream

- Vanilla Sugar (or vanilla and regular sugar)

This is how you do it:

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Lay the halfed Peaches on a baking sheet. Melt the Butter 
and add Cinnamon and Honey to your taste. Use a brush and brush generously the Peaches
with the mixture. Place the tray in the oven and roast around 20-30 min or until their soft.

In the meantime you can prepare the Yogurt. Use a Greek yogurt with a bit Fat. I know, its
nothing for the figure. But hey, it tastes great. 
In a separate bowl add the Heavy whipping cream, Vanilla flavor and beat it till it starts to
double in amount. Then add sugar until its sweet enough for you. You can go really sweet since
you will mix in the Greek Yogurt too and it has no flavor. Once the whipping cream is ready and
stiff peak, mix in the same amount of Greek Yogurt and stir well. 

When the Peaches are done, add a spoonful of the Yogurt mix on the plate. 
BTW..... this Yogurt is going really good all by itself!!!!! My daughter loooooves it. You can
also mix in fresh Blueberries or Strawberries or whatever you have and like. Yes, even
Pineapples. I love it this way. 

Fuer meine deutschen Followers:

Ihr braucht:
- halbierte Pfirsiche, Stein entfernt

- geschmolzene Butter

- Zimt

- Honig

Fuer den Yogurt:

Greek Yogurt ist in Deutschland Magerquark. Da wir keinen Sahneyogurt haben, muss ich mir den mit frisch geschlagener Sahne und eben diesem Greek Yogurt selber machen. Ihr koennt aber ohne
schwierigkeit einen Vanille-Sahnejogurt verwenden. Duerft aber natuerlich mit Magerquark und frisch geschlagener Sahne mit Vanillezucker auch gerne den mix selber herstellen.

Die Pfirsiche werden mit einem mix aus geschmolzener Butter, Zimt und Honig bepinselt und auf
einem Bleck plaziert. Diese im vorgeheizten Ofen auf ca. 200 Grad 20-30 min weich backen. 

Mit dem Yogurt servieren.

Enjoy and Guten Appetit

Spagetthi Sauce Miraculi

                  Spagetthi Sauce Miraculi

This is a Brand name in Germany. From Kraft. But for those of us whom don't have access to
this item no more, here it is. P.s. my oh so picky girl, whom tried several of mommy's homemade
Spagetthi Sauces already, this is the first one she likes. So you might want to give it a try.

For my german speaking followers, whom don't speak english, here it is:

1 Dose (400 g) gehackte Tomaten
150 g Tomatenmark (Tube)
1-2 Stangen Sellerie*
3 TL Oregano, getrocknet
2-3 TL Gemüsebrühe (Pulver)
1 kl. Zwiebel
1 Knoblauchzehe
ca. 100 ml Wasser
Salz, Pfeffer
2 El Olivenöl
Nach Belieben: Parmesan oder anderen Käse

1. Die Zwiebeln und die Selleriestange(n) sehr fein hacken, den Knoblauch ebenfalls fein hacken oder durch eine Knoblauchpresse geben. Alles zusammen im Olivenöl weich dünsten (ca. 5 Minuten, nicht zu heiß werden lassen, damit das Olivenöl nicht verbrennt).
2. Nun die gehackten Tomaten und das Tomatenmark hinzugeben und gut umrühren. Wasser hinzugeben, bis euch die Konsistenz gefällt (bei mir sind das ca. 100 ml). Das Ganze unter rühren aufkochen lassen.
3. Die Masse mit einem Pürierstab fein pürieren. Dieser Schritt MUSS nicht unbedingt für den Geschmack sein, aber nur so fühlt sich die Soße hinterher an wie das Original. Wer es stückiger mag, lässt diesen Schritt weg.
4. Oregano, Gemüsebrühe sowie Salz und Pfeffer nach Geschmack hinzugeben. Nochmal aufkochen lassen und bei wenig Hitze ein paar Minuten leise köcheln lassen. Fertig!

This is what you need:
- 1 can diced Tomatoes (400 gr)
- 150 gr. Tomatopaste (almost a whole small can)
- 1-2 Stacks of Celery 
- 3 TSP Oregano
- 2-3 TSP corned Vegetable Broth (dry)
- 1 small Onion, diced
- 1 clove of Garlic, diced
- around 100 ml Water
- salt, pepper and Olive Oil for the pan

This is how you do it:
Roast the diced Celery, Onion and Garlic in Olive Oil in the pan for roughly 5 min or till they're nice and 
smooth. Be careful to not burn it. Then add the Tomato paste and the can Tomatoes to it and around a 
100 ml water (or until you like the consistency). Let it simmer for a couple of min.. Now use a hand blender/chopper to get the sauce really creamy. It's not necessary for the taste but for the original feeling. 
Now you can add the Oregano, corned broth, salt and pepper. Be careful with the salt. I first overdid because
the Broth is salted too. Let it simmer for a couple more min.. Serve it to Spagetthi or to whatever Pasta-Dish
you want. You can prepare it and can it too.
Guten Appetit  

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Jungle Puree - Ein Maedchen in Florida

                          Jungle Puree

                    Ein Maedchen in Florida 

I want to start a new theme here. I started this blog here first and foremost for my almost
10 year old daughter. She was still born in Germany, but is growing up now in the United
States. We settled after my husband left the Army in Florida. My daughter was and is a 
picky eater. I wrote recipes, she doesn't even like yet on my blog. I hope that one day she will
like them though lol. Anyway, I have some german friends following me on here so I started
to write those "fancy" recipes as well. 

Paprikasch is a favorite of my daughter though. She also loves the Schnitzel (plain). 
Liver dumpling soup is also a favorite along with the Sour Pork Kidneys. She also likes the
romanian white bean soup. I should have all recipes already on my blog. 

But now I want to add a side, what now became a like from her after years of trying. Everyone
knows and loves mashed Potatoes. But when you have a picky vegetable eater like me, 
you have to get creative. The Jungle Purree came out of a kids hits cookbook I bought in 
Germany 9 years ago. I want to share it with you.

This is what you need:

- Potatoes

- same amount Broccoli

- Butter

- Milk 

- salt

This is how you do it:

Cook the potatoes in salt water like you would do for regular mashed Potatoes. (Peeled) 
Since Broccoli is cooking pretty fast, add the Broccoli in the last 10 min of the Potato-cooktime.

Mash the Potatoes and the Broccoli. I had to use the blender for the Broccoli to get it really

Now add Butter, milk and salt to taste and consistency you like. Enjoy it with Schnitzel or steak
or even chicken.





Pavlova is created in honor of the dancer Anna Pavlova in New Zealand or Australia after 
or during a tour of the dancer in the 1920's. The 2 nations are still fighting over its origin,
but it is a very popular dessert in both countries. It's very simple and, when you have
egg white left overs like me from the Carbonara, a different use then just the plain Meringue.

This is what you need:

- 4 egg whites

- 200 gr (1 cup of fine sugar)

- 1 Teaspoon white vinegar

- 1/2 Teaspoons of Corn Starch

- 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

For the cream:

- Heavy whipping cream

- vanilla sugar

This is how you do it:

Beat the egg whites with the sugar, vinegar, corn starch and vanilla till it stiff peaks.

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. On a baking sheet back side, draw a 7 inch diameter 
circle. Turn the baking sheet around and put the egg white mixture inside that line 
so its getting a nice round shape. Leave the edges a bit higher. 

Place it in the preheated oven for 60-75 min.. It should be hard on the outside but still
relatively pale. Let it cool completely inside the turned off oven with a wooden stick
in between the door.

On the day you serve, beat fresh Heavy whipping cream with Vanilla sugar and add it on the
Meringue. For the fruits, use whatever you like. All fresh fruits work. I used strawberries and
a banana

for my german friends:

4 eiweiss

1/2 teeloeffel Speisestaerke

1 teeloeffel weissen essig

200 gr zucker

1/2 teeloeffel vanille extract

Schaumig ruehren und auf auf einem backpapier, wo ein Kreis von 7 inches aufgemalt ist, auf der Rueckseite die Masse verteilen, dass es  einen schoenen Kreis gibt. Den Rand ein bisschen hoeher machen. Bei 250 fahrenheit (130 Grad) 60-75 min backen. Mit einem Kochloeffel in der Tuer im ausgeschalteten Ofen auskuehlen lassen. Sahne mit vanillezucker schlagen und Fruechte nach wahl drauf geben

Thursday, August 31, 2017

german Hamburger with Balsamic carrots

                   German Hamburger with Balsamic 

German Hamburger are a little bit like american Meat loafs. After adding your basic
ingredients, there is no end to your creativity. Those Burgers are pretty open also to all
kinds of addens. In this case I used Brie cheese. And I must confess, you didn't really 
tasted it prominently. It gave it a hint of something else. You can also add different vegetables.
I like to add to my basic Burger recipe some shredded carrots. But you can use also Zuccini
or Tomatoes or whatever your heart desire. Even Avocados would work. Well, here is my
basic Hamburger recipe with the little twist.

This is what you need:

- ground meat ( i usually mix veal, beef and pork ground meat and freeze it in zip lock bags)

- 1-2 eggs

- 1 small onion, diced

- 1 carrot, shredded

- 1 old bread roll ( I use the one from our locale store called Publix) softened in warm water

- bread crumbs , plain

- salt, pepper, Paprika and Marjoram 

- 1/2 Brie cheese, cubed (optional)

This is how you do the Hamburger

Mix everything in a big bowl together beside the cheese and the bread crumbs. Once you know
how wet it is, add the bread crumbs till you have a nice dense consistence like a bread dough. 
Now stir in the cheese and mix it carefully. Make Tennisball size balls and pad it just slightly
to a patty. Then fry it in the pan with oil from all sides till the inner temp is reaching 160 Fahrenheit.
You might want to turn your heat on medium so you don't burn the burger before its done. It 
takes a bit longer then an american Burger. Once they're done, take them out of the pan.
Now you can add whatever liquid you prefer for the sauce. Here i was using 1 cup of red wine
I reduced 1/3 and then I added some cold butter. If this is not thick enough for you, you can make a corn starch slurry and thicken the sauce up like this. 

For the Balsamic carrots you need:

- some nice baby carrots with a bit green on the end. 

- Olive Oil

- Salt

- Thyme

- Balsamic Glaze

This is how you do it the carrots:

Place the Carrots on a baking sheet. Pre-heat the oven to 350 Degrees. Springle the Carrots
with Olive Oil, salt and the Thyme. Place it the oven for 35-45 min. (depends how thick they are)
Once you took them out, sprinkle some of the Balsamic Glaze over it. Enjoy with the decadent german Hamburger and red wine sauce. (or whatever you want to serve them with)

Guten Appetit

Polenta with Bolognese (Ragu)

                    Polenta with Ragu

I have given you the recipe for my Bolognese Sauce (Ragu) before. I just want to show you that
this dish is more diverse then just for Lasagne. Here I made it with Polenta. The Polenta
recipe is with the grilled Mahi Mahi in here as well. But I will give you a little reminder.

Polenta is open to every herb and season you want to put it to. You can be creative from just
plain water and salt to all kinds of broth and cream and herbs like Thyme, Rosemary, Parsley,
Garlic. Even wine is tasting very decadent in it. You might just want to use half the amount of
ingredients. Also, as it sets, its getting kinda like corn bread consistence. Therefor you can
put it in any kind of mold you want. Heart shaped muffin tins or for christmas a star or half moon,
everything is possible. In this case I put it in a big oven dish and spread it out thin so I was able
to cut them in rectangles. I fried them from both sides nicely brown before serving.

This is what you need for the Bolognese:

- 1 lbs ground meat ( I used 1/3 of ground veal, beef and pork)

- some pork sausage (optional)

- 1 pack of diced Pancetta (You can find that at Target supercenters or Publix)

- 1 cup of red wine ( I used Chianti) 

- 1 Onion, diced (or if its a big one, just a half)

- 2-3 Carrots, diced

- 1 stalk Celery, diced

- 1-2 Parsnip, diced 

- 2-3 cloves of Garlic, finely chopped

- 2 cans whole Tomatoes, broke apart with your hands

- Salt, Pepper

This is what you need for the Polenta:

- 500 ml Veggie broth

- 400 ml heavy whipping cream

- 300 gr Polenta (corn flour course)

- salt 

- Thyme

- Parsley 

The Bolognese sauce would be the easiest to prepare a day ahead since you want to cook it at least
3 hrs.. You can also go ahead and make the Polenta and put it in the mold you want it and then
you just re-warm everything. Quick and easy for the day you want to serve it. You are welcome lol.

Guten Appetit

oven salmon in cream sauce

                 Oven Salmon in Cream Sauce

I tried this recipe once and fell in love with it. I got asked from a friend if I can include
this recipe into my blog (she downloaded the app to her phone) and of course I am following
her wish. This one is for you Alexandra

This is what you need:

- 1 pack of frozen salmon (usually they have 2 small steaks in it)

- 1 cup of heavy whipping cream (or cooking cream)

- 1 TBSP Tomato Paste

- 1 TBSP Lemon juice

- 1 small onion, diced

- 1 TBSP fresh Dill (or frozen)

- 1 TBSP fresh Parsley (or frozen. not the dry one though)

- 100 ml white wine

This is how you do it: 

Fry the onion in a pan with a bit oil till they start to get a little bit brown. Then add the 
Tomato paste and fry it a bit too. Then add the white wine and let it reduce a bit. Now you can 
add the heavy cream. Let it get back to a simmer and then you add the Lemon juice, Dill, Parsley
Salt and Pepper. 

Take the Salmon out of its bag and place it in an oven dish. Pour the sauce over it and put it 
in the 400 Degrees preheated oven. Thin Salmon steaks should be done within 20-25 min..

I served Polenta with it I had from a day before dish. Polenta recipe you find at another recipe with
grilled Mahi Mahi. But rice does also go very good with it.

Guten Appetit

Friday, August 4, 2017

Cremeschnitte or Kremes(ch)


                            Cake with Vanilla Cream

This is a super delicious cake but messy lol. It's actually pretty easy to make. This cake you can find
in Hungary, Romania and I am pretty sure in some more Balkan countries. In Romania, where I 
had it, it's called Kremes (ch). 

This is what you need:

- 6 Eggs (divided) 

- 200 g Sugar

- 6 TBSP Flour

- 100 g Corn Starch

- 3 pack or 42 g of Vanilla sugar

- 2 L (8 cups)  Milk (whole milk) 

- 50 ml Water

- 1 Pack of Puff Pastry sheets

This is how you do it:

First, preheat the oven like the Puff pastry package is saying. Take the Puff pastry sheets out and
let them thaw first before you unfold them. Once their soft, unfold them and flatten them to the
size of a oven tray. Place them on the oven tray, poke them with the fork and bake them till their golden brown. Let them cool completely. 

For the cream, use a very big pot. Add the 2 liters (8 cups) of whole milk and the Vanilla Sugar
and heat it up to a boil. In the meantime, divide the eggs. Put the egg yolks in a baking bowl. Add the sugar and whip it till its creamy. (if you have, use your kitchen aid for this)

In a bowl, weight the corn starch and the flour and mix it. Now slowly add the flour mix with the water to the egg yolk/sugar cream. 

Shortly before the Milk with the vanilla sugar is starting to boil, take a big spoon and add it spoon by spoon to the egg mixture to start temp up the eggs so you don't end up with scrambled eggs. Once 
the egg mixture is temped up and the milk is boiling, add the egg mixture to the milk and stir it well.
It's going to get thick really quickly so stir them fast and good. 

Take the Pot from the heat and stir it gradually so its not producing a skin. Now take the egg whites and a pinch of salt and whip it till stiff. Fold it carefully under the warm cream.

Put the Bottom puff pastry in a casserole so the walls stop the cream from running away. (if the bottom puff pastry is to puffy, roll it a bit flat.) Now add the cream on top. You probably won't need
the whole cream but it should be a real thick layer. Place the dish in the fridge and let it set till its 
completely cold. Then you add the top layer puff pastry and dust it with powdered sugar.
Cut them in slices and serve it really cold.

If its going to be to much, I froze 2 pieces per container so if I just want one or two pieces, I don't have to thaw the whole cake.

Guten Appetit

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Apfeltaschen -- Apple Puff Pastry

                       Apple Puff Pastry 

In Germany, you can find filled Puff Pastry with Apples everywhere. We love them. It's like a 
mini apple pie to go. 
This recipe I found at Lorraine. She is from England and she did that one on her show. She added
Ginger in her Original recipe. I didn't. You may want to, if you like. Just give it your own little

This is what you need:

- 1 sheet of Puff Pastry

- 2 big apples or 4 small ones, cut in little cubes

- Cinnamon

- 2-3 TBSP Butter

- Handful brown sugar

- Egg wash

This is how you do it:

It's actually really simple and fast. Just peel your apples, cut them in little cubes and put them in 
a frying pan along with the Butter. Let them fry just for a little bit. Then you add the cinnamon and Sugar (and ginger if you like) and stir and let it softly cook till the apple is nice soft.

Cool completely 

Take the Puff Pastry out of the box. Let it thaw just for a bit so you can work it. Roll it a bit thinner
and cut in 6 even pieces.

Brush Egg wash all over the 4 sides. (Egg wash is just a scrambled up egg with a bit water)

Fill the Puff Pastry with the cooled Apples but don't overfill. Fold them together and use a fork
to squeeze around the edges. Just like Ravioli.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and bake the apple bags for 20-25 min till their nice golden brown.

Let them cool before you dust them with powdered sugar. Enjoy

Guten Appetit

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Cauliflower Casserole with Bacon

                      Cauliflower Casserole
                            with Bacon

This recipe comes from my all time favorite, Giada de Laurentiis. This one is really, really good
and you can use all kinds of vegetables with the same Base.

This is what you need:

- Cauliflower, taken apart and cooked in salt water for around 10 min

- 3/4 cup heavy cream

- Gruyere Cheese, grated

- 1 TSP flour

- around 5 slices of Bacon, diced

- fresh made Breadcrumbs ( I used 5 slices of Toast)

- Salt/Pepper

This is how you do it:

Cook the Cauliflower in saltwater for like 10 min.. Set aside. 

Fry the diced Bacon crispy. Set aside

Put the 5 slices of Toast into a food processor. Don't cut it too small. You want bigger chunks. 
Saute the Breadcrumbs in lots of Butter and the Bacon drippings till its nice and crispy. Set aside

In a bowl, mix the heavy cream, 1 TS{ flour, half of the Gruyere cheese and the salt and pepper 
together. (Be careful with the salt. Just a pinch is enough). Now add the cauliflower in the mix and 
stir evenly. Also add the Bacon and stir it.

Pour the cauliflower into a oven dish. Now sprinkle the Breadcrumbs on top of it and at the very
last, add the rest of the Gruyere cheese.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Leave the Casserole in for 40-45 min.. If the top is
getting to brown, cover it halfway with Aluminium foil

Add from me: I mixed the Gruyere Cheese with Parmigiano. I also used smoked Gruyere. 

Guten Appetit
Buon appetito 

Paglia e Fieno (Straw and Hay Pasta)

                            Paglia e Fieno
                      (Straw and Hay Pasta)

As you might already know, I love to watch cooking shows. I like to try to cook after the recipes
I see on TV. This one is from Ina Garden. But I used a bit different things then she did. Anyway,
this is an amazing dish and a keeper.

This is what you need:

- around 10 slices of Bacon (or Pancetta) When you use the thick cut, just around 5, diced

- 1 cup diced Onion, chopped

- 3 gloves of Garlic, chopped

- 1 TBSP Butter

- 1 1/2 cups of heavy cream (or 1 cup cream, 1/2 cup milk like I did)

- 4 ounces of good Gorgonzola cheese (also known as Blue Cheese)

- 1/2 cup Parmigiano Reggiano (grated)

- 1 TSP Salt/Pepper (she used 1 1/2 TSP. It was a bit to salty for us)

- Frozen peas. around 1 cup or more if you like

- handful fresh Basil, roughly cut

- good, fresh Pasta if you can find. You should half the needed amount with green Pasta

Keep some of the Pasta water

This is how you do it:

Fry the sliced Bacon/Pancetta in the pan till its nice and crisp. Put it aside but keep the Bacon
drippings. To them, add 1 TBSP Butter and the onions and fry on medium high till their nice
glassy and soft but not burned. Takes around 5 min.. Then add the chopped Garlic and let sit
for another 30 sec.. Now add your heavy cream (mixed with milk or without) and get it back to
a soft simmer. Cut the Gorgonzola into pieces so its easier for it to melt in the hot sauce. Stir
softly. When the Gorgonzola is melted, add the Parmigiano and let it melt in the sauce. Salt and 
Pepper it.

Cook the Pasta like it states on the package al dente. Once its cooked, add right away in 
the sauce and stir. Remain some of the Pasta water for the case that the sauce is getting to thick.

Now you add the frozen/thaw Peas and the Basil and the fried Bacon pieces and stir everything
evenly. Serve immediately. 

Buon appetito

Friday, April 14, 2017

Fried egg cake (Spiegeleikuchen)

                         Fried egg cake


So, this is a cake traditionally baked around eastern. But hey, who says you can't bake it in between also??? There are no rules right?

Well, this is what you need for the bottom:

- 250 gr. soft unsalted butter

- 250 gr sugar

- 300 gr. flour

- 3 Eggs

- 9 gr baking powder

- 14 gr Vanilla sugar

This is what you need for the filling:

- 1 1/2 packs of vanilla powder to cook

- 1/2 liter (2 cups) milk

- 4 TBSP sugar

- 450 gr greek yogurt

- maybe a bit more extra sugar

This is what you need for the topping:

- 2 glasses of Apricots

- 2 packs Glaze clear

 This is how you do it:

Combine the ingredients for the bottom with your hands. Put it in foil and let it rest in the fridge
for around 30 min.. 

Cook the pudding like it says on the pack but with the 1 1/2 packs. Let it cool and then add the greek
yogurt and stir thoroughly. Add a bit sugar if you like it sweeter.

Open the Apricots and drain them, catching the juice in a bowl.

Use a clean oven trey and spray butter on it and coat it with some flour. Now add the dough and squeeze it with your hands till you have the whole trey covered. Bake it for 15-20 min at 350 degrees. 

Remove the cake and add the filling. Spread evenly. Add the Apricot upside down so they look like
egg yolks. Bake it for another 15-20 min.. Don't let it get brown.

Let the cake cool off before you add the glaze. For the Glaze, use 2 cups of the Apricot juice (you might have to fill it up a bit with water to reach the 2 cups) Add sugar and glaze mix to the juice
and stir well. Heat it up till it cooks and let simmer for 1 min.. Let cool off for 1 min then spread 
evenly over the whole cake.

Let cool completely. You might want to start a day ahead you actually want to serve the cake.

Guten Appetit

Friday, March 24, 2017

Korean BBQ (Bulgogi)

                Korean BBQ (Bulgogi)

Since friends of us took me out to a Korean Restaurant, I fell in love with Bulgogi. I mean, whom
doesn't like that sweet/savory steak bites? 

Since you guys probably already figured, I like it as authentic as possible. I made this recipe
and I think this is pretty authentic. Well, at least how I had it in the restaurant. I also watched
the Korean chef on TV doing it once and I believe it was the same ingredients. Well, anyway......

here we go.......

This is what you need:

- 1 Ribeye Steak, cut in thin slices

For the marinade:

- 1/2 onion

- 1 scallion

- 1/2 pear (peeled)

- 80 ml Soy Sauce

- 3 gloves of garlic

- 3 TBSP brown sugar

- 3 TBSP sesame oil

This is how you do it:

Beside the steak, throw everything in the food processor or blender and blend it really really well. Then put the marinade over the sliced steaks and another half, thinly sliced onion and mix it well.
Let chill for around 30 min..

When ready to do it, just pour everything in a hot pan and fry it till nicely brown. Decorate it
with white sesame and some cut scallion greens.


Guten Appetit

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Deer stew / Buck stew (Hirschgulasch)

                       Deer or Buck stew

 I love wild meat. I mean, I love, love, love deer or buck or wild boar meat. Stew or roast it 
doesn't matter. It's just that lean but intense flavor I like so much. For the ones of you whom
like chicken a lot, it might not be for you. It's really pretty flavorful comparing to chicken.

For the ones of you whom get that meat every once in a while and don't know how to cook it,
here is one way of recipe I got from my mom (so its german)  and I just love it because its actually pretty easy. Don't kill the good flavor of the meat with more layers of flavor. Keep it simple.

This is what you need:

- 1 lbs of buck stew meat

- 1 big carrot, quartered and then sliced

- 1 yellow onion (or 1/2 of a big one) coursley minced

- 2 cloves of garlic, coursley minced

- 1 - 1/2 cups of red wine

- 1 cup of water for 1 pack of brown gravy

- fresh thyme, salt, pepper and Paprika

This is how you do it:

Take the meat and best use a heavy pot or dutch oven and fry them on high heat till their nice brown.
You might want to do that in 2-3 batches. Remove the water to not "boil" them in their own juice.
Remove them from the pan and reduce the heat. Add a bit more fat or oil and saute the onion and carrot for a couple of minutes. At the end add the garlic to not burn it. Then add the Thyme, salt, Pepper, Paprika and stir. Then clean the pot with the red wine and add the meat back to it.
Now just put in the water and the brown gravy, stir and cover and let simmer on low for 1-2 hrs. 
(depends on how big the pieces of meat are). 

Traditionelly we serve Spaetzle with it or Potato dumbling and blue cabbage. Also add a spoon
of Lingonberry jam or cranberry jam with it. The tarty sweet is going very good with the special
wild flavor of the deer meat (or any wild meat)
(For the Spaetzle recipe go back into my already existing recipes)

Guten Appetit

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fruit Salad

                          Fruit Salad

What a nice snack for in between. For the fruit salad, I can't give you a "recipe". 
You just cut any fruits you like into a bowl. We like apples, Bananas and strawberries. For 
season you can add pineapple, grapes, cherries, Raspberries. The list goes on and on. 

But now, here is my twist to it. I add a bit of sugar. Nothing new. I also add a bit of either 
apple or Orange juice (sometimes pineapple juice). Nothing new as well. But now, here is my 
twist: Heavy whipping cream!!! Just a nice splash of it into the mixture and stir it well. 

Its going to coat the fruits nicely and makes the juice stick better. And it is soooooo yummy.

Try it

Guten  Appetit