Thursday, August 31, 2017

german Hamburger with Balsamic carrots

                   German Hamburger with Balsamic 

German Hamburger are a little bit like american Meat loafs. After adding your basic
ingredients, there is no end to your creativity. Those Burgers are pretty open also to all
kinds of addens. In this case I used Brie cheese. And I must confess, you didn't really 
tasted it prominently. It gave it a hint of something else. You can also add different vegetables.
I like to add to my basic Burger recipe some shredded carrots. But you can use also Zuccini
or Tomatoes or whatever your heart desire. Even Avocados would work. Well, here is my
basic Hamburger recipe with the little twist.

This is what you need:

- ground meat ( i usually mix veal, beef and pork ground meat and freeze it in zip lock bags)

- 1-2 eggs

- 1 small onion, diced

- 1 carrot, shredded

- 1 old bread roll ( I use the one from our locale store called Publix) softened in warm water

- bread crumbs , plain

- salt, pepper, Paprika and Marjoram 

- 1/2 Brie cheese, cubed (optional)

This is how you do the Hamburger

Mix everything in a big bowl together beside the cheese and the bread crumbs. Once you know
how wet it is, add the bread crumbs till you have a nice dense consistence like a bread dough. 
Now stir in the cheese and mix it carefully. Make Tennisball size balls and pad it just slightly
to a patty. Then fry it in the pan with oil from all sides till the inner temp is reaching 160 Fahrenheit.
You might want to turn your heat on medium so you don't burn the burger before its done. It 
takes a bit longer then an american Burger. Once they're done, take them out of the pan.
Now you can add whatever liquid you prefer for the sauce. Here i was using 1 cup of red wine
I reduced 1/3 and then I added some cold butter. If this is not thick enough for you, you can make a corn starch slurry and thicken the sauce up like this. 

For the Balsamic carrots you need:

- some nice baby carrots with a bit green on the end. 

- Olive Oil

- Salt

- Thyme

- Balsamic Glaze

This is how you do it the carrots:

Place the Carrots on a baking sheet. Pre-heat the oven to 350 Degrees. Springle the Carrots
with Olive Oil, salt and the Thyme. Place it the oven for 35-45 min. (depends how thick they are)
Once you took them out, sprinkle some of the Balsamic Glaze over it. Enjoy with the decadent german Hamburger and red wine sauce. (or whatever you want to serve them with)

Guten Appetit

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