Thursday, November 16, 2017

Jungle Puree - Ein Maedchen in Florida

                          Jungle Puree

                    Ein Maedchen in Florida 

I want to start a new theme here. I started this blog here first and foremost for my almost
10 year old daughter. She was still born in Germany, but is growing up now in the United
States. We settled after my husband left the Army in Florida. My daughter was and is a 
picky eater. I wrote recipes, she doesn't even like yet on my blog. I hope that one day she will
like them though lol. Anyway, I have some german friends following me on here so I started
to write those "fancy" recipes as well. 

Paprikasch is a favorite of my daughter though. She also loves the Schnitzel (plain). 
Liver dumpling soup is also a favorite along with the Sour Pork Kidneys. She also likes the
romanian white bean soup. I should have all recipes already on my blog. 

But now I want to add a side, what now became a like from her after years of trying. Everyone
knows and loves mashed Potatoes. But when you have a picky vegetable eater like me, 
you have to get creative. The Jungle Purree came out of a kids hits cookbook I bought in 
Germany 9 years ago. I want to share it with you.

This is what you need:

- Potatoes

- same amount Broccoli

- Butter

- Milk 

- salt

This is how you do it:

Cook the potatoes in salt water like you would do for regular mashed Potatoes. (Peeled) 
Since Broccoli is cooking pretty fast, add the Broccoli in the last 10 min of the Potato-cooktime.

Mash the Potatoes and the Broccoli. I had to use the blender for the Broccoli to get it really

Now add Butter, milk and salt to taste and consistency you like. Enjoy it with Schnitzel or steak
or even chicken.


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