Thursday, May 11, 2017

Cauliflower Casserole with Bacon

                      Cauliflower Casserole
                            with Bacon

This recipe comes from my all time favorite, Giada de Laurentiis. This one is really, really good
and you can use all kinds of vegetables with the same Base.

This is what you need:

- Cauliflower, taken apart and cooked in salt water for around 10 min

- 3/4 cup heavy cream

- Gruyere Cheese, grated

- 1 TSP flour

- around 5 slices of Bacon, diced

- fresh made Breadcrumbs ( I used 5 slices of Toast)

- Salt/Pepper

This is how you do it:

Cook the Cauliflower in saltwater for like 10 min.. Set aside. 

Fry the diced Bacon crispy. Set aside

Put the 5 slices of Toast into a food processor. Don't cut it too small. You want bigger chunks. 
Saute the Breadcrumbs in lots of Butter and the Bacon drippings till its nice and crispy. Set aside

In a bowl, mix the heavy cream, 1 TS{ flour, half of the Gruyere cheese and the salt and pepper 
together. (Be careful with the salt. Just a pinch is enough). Now add the cauliflower in the mix and 
stir evenly. Also add the Bacon and stir it.

Pour the cauliflower into a oven dish. Now sprinkle the Breadcrumbs on top of it and at the very
last, add the rest of the Gruyere cheese.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Leave the Casserole in for 40-45 min.. If the top is
getting to brown, cover it halfway with Aluminium foil

Add from me: I mixed the Gruyere Cheese with Parmigiano. I also used smoked Gruyere. 

Guten Appetit
Buon appetito 

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