Monday, November 20, 2017

oven roasted Peaches with Greek Yogurt

                  Oven roasted Peaches  
                     with Greek Yogurt

I am not a big fan of Peaches to be honest. I think they're kind of boring. But this one here is a
keeper for sure. You can play a bit with flavors. But for me, this works.

This is what you need:

- Peaches, halfed and rock removed

- honey

- melted unsalted Butter

- cinnamon 

For the Yogurt:

- Greek Yogurt

- Heavy Whipping cream

- Vanilla Sugar (or vanilla and regular sugar)

This is how you do it:

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Lay the halfed Peaches on a baking sheet. Melt the Butter 
and add Cinnamon and Honey to your taste. Use a brush and brush generously the Peaches
with the mixture. Place the tray in the oven and roast around 20-30 min or until their soft.

In the meantime you can prepare the Yogurt. Use a Greek yogurt with a bit Fat. I know, its
nothing for the figure. But hey, it tastes great. 
In a separate bowl add the Heavy whipping cream, Vanilla flavor and beat it till it starts to
double in amount. Then add sugar until its sweet enough for you. You can go really sweet since
you will mix in the Greek Yogurt too and it has no flavor. Once the whipping cream is ready and
stiff peak, mix in the same amount of Greek Yogurt and stir well. 

When the Peaches are done, add a spoonful of the Yogurt mix on the plate. 
BTW..... this Yogurt is going really good all by itself!!!!! My daughter loooooves it. You can
also mix in fresh Blueberries or Strawberries or whatever you have and like. Yes, even
Pineapples. I love it this way. 

Fuer meine deutschen Followers:

Ihr braucht:
- halbierte Pfirsiche, Stein entfernt

- geschmolzene Butter

- Zimt

- Honig

Fuer den Yogurt:

Greek Yogurt ist in Deutschland Magerquark. Da wir keinen Sahneyogurt haben, muss ich mir den mit frisch geschlagener Sahne und eben diesem Greek Yogurt selber machen. Ihr koennt aber ohne
schwierigkeit einen Vanille-Sahnejogurt verwenden. Duerft aber natuerlich mit Magerquark und frisch geschlagener Sahne mit Vanillezucker auch gerne den mix selber herstellen.

Die Pfirsiche werden mit einem mix aus geschmolzener Butter, Zimt und Honig bepinselt und auf
einem Bleck plaziert. Diese im vorgeheizten Ofen auf ca. 200 Grad 20-30 min weich backen. 

Mit dem Yogurt servieren.

Enjoy and Guten Appetit

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