Thursday, November 16, 2017




Pavlova is created in honor of the dancer Anna Pavlova in New Zealand or Australia after 
or during a tour of the dancer in the 1920's. The 2 nations are still fighting over its origin,
but it is a very popular dessert in both countries. It's very simple and, when you have
egg white left overs like me from the Carbonara, a different use then just the plain Meringue.

This is what you need:

- 4 egg whites

- 200 gr (1 cup of fine sugar)

- 1 Teaspoon white vinegar

- 1/2 Teaspoons of Corn Starch

- 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

For the cream:

- Heavy whipping cream

- vanilla sugar

This is how you do it:

Beat the egg whites with the sugar, vinegar, corn starch and vanilla till it stiff peaks.

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. On a baking sheet back side, draw a 7 inch diameter 
circle. Turn the baking sheet around and put the egg white mixture inside that line 
so its getting a nice round shape. Leave the edges a bit higher. 

Place it in the preheated oven for 60-75 min.. It should be hard on the outside but still
relatively pale. Let it cool completely inside the turned off oven with a wooden stick
in between the door.

On the day you serve, beat fresh Heavy whipping cream with Vanilla sugar and add it on the
Meringue. For the fruits, use whatever you like. All fresh fruits work. I used strawberries and
a banana

for my german friends:

4 eiweiss

1/2 teeloeffel Speisestaerke

1 teeloeffel weissen essig

200 gr zucker

1/2 teeloeffel vanille extract

Schaumig ruehren und auf auf einem backpapier, wo ein Kreis von 7 inches aufgemalt ist, auf der Rueckseite die Masse verteilen, dass es  einen schoenen Kreis gibt. Den Rand ein bisschen hoeher machen. Bei 250 fahrenheit (130 Grad) 60-75 min backen. Mit einem Kochloeffel in der Tuer im ausgeschalteten Ofen auskuehlen lassen. Sahne mit vanillezucker schlagen und Fruechte nach wahl drauf geben

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