Friday, December 22, 2017

Tocana de cartofi - Potato stew

                          Tocana de cartofi
                               Potato stew

This is a romanian dish. It's simple and good for cold days to fill you up.

This is what you need:

- 1 kg of soft boiling potatos (like you use for mashed potatos) diced

- 1 1/2 l of broth (chicken, beef, vegetable. Doesn't really matter and go after your taste)

- 1 Bell pepper, diced

- 1 onion, diced

- fresh Parsley, diced

- smoked pork lion or smoked sausage or smoked pork belly

- 50 gr Tomato Paste

- salt, pepper, paprika, Thyme

This is how you do it:

Dice everything. In a big pot heat up some oil. Fry the Onions and the Bell pepper until their soft.

Add the diced Potatoes and fry them for a couple of min with them. Now add the Tomato Paste and
stir well. Fill it up with the broth and season it to your taste. Add the fresh Parsley too.
Let it simmer for 30 min.. 

Now add the diced meat and let it simmer for another 10 min.. If its not creamy enough from the
Potato's, you may add a slurry of milk and corn starch until its a nice creamy stew.

Serve it with a pickle or enjoy it just like that.

Guten Appetit

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