Friday, December 22, 2017

Duck - Ente


This is what you need:

- 1 Duck

- 1 Apple

- 1 Orange

- 1 Onion

- Fresh Parsley

- Salt, pepper, Majoram

- 2 Carrots

- 2 Stacks of Celery

- 1 Onion

- 300 ml Red Wine

- 500 ml Chicken Broth

This is how you do it:

Clean the duck and tap dry it good. Cut the Apple, Orange, Onion into small dices. Add to a bowl. In this bowl add salt, Pepper, Majoram and fresh Parsley. Mix it well. Fill the Duck with this filling
and close it the Duck with sticks. Rub the skin of the Duck with salt, pepper and Majoram.

In the oven pan add the sliced carrots, Onion and Celery. You may also add the rest of the filling if
you have some left. Fill it up with the wine and the Broth. Place the Duck on a roast on top of the

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place in the Duck uncovered and roast it for 1 hrs.. After the hrs
turn the heat down to 325 degrees and let it bake for another 1 1/2 hrs. or until the internal Temp is reached 160 degrees.

Remove the Duck and let it rest a bit. Use the liquid from the fat pan (through a strainer) and 
remove some of the fat.

With this fat you may now start the Rue for your sauce. Add the fat in a separete sauce pan and add 2 TBSP of Flour. Now add the liquid and stir it well and simmer until its nice and creamy. Season
it with Salt to taste and maybe a bit Orange juice and wine. 

Usually we serve Potato dumplings and Red Cabbage with it. Bread dumplings also work or Tater Tots or Croquettes. 

Guten Appetit

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