Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fruit Salad

                          Fruit Salad

What a nice snack for in between. For the fruit salad, I can't give you a "recipe". 
You just cut any fruits you like into a bowl. We like apples, Bananas and strawberries. For 
season you can add pineapple, grapes, cherries, Raspberries. The list goes on and on. 

But now, here is my twist to it. I add a bit of sugar. Nothing new. I also add a bit of either 
apple or Orange juice (sometimes pineapple juice). Nothing new as well. But now, here is my 
twist: Heavy whipping cream!!! Just a nice splash of it into the mixture and stir it well. 

Its going to coat the fruits nicely and makes the juice stick better. And it is soooooo yummy.

Try it

Guten  Appetit

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