Wednesday, March 9, 2016



Lets talk about Schnitzel............ The famous "Wiener Schnitzel" is often mistaken to be the regular
Schnitzel. There is a big difference between both. Since Pork is used for the regular Schnitzel, it is
Veal what makes the Schnitzel to a "Wiener" Schnitzel. 

Most of the times I am making the regular Schnitzel though. It's cheaper and Pork is always available.

For Schnitzel you need:

- Pork loin (either the thin cut already or the tick cut, where you get bigger pieces)

- Eggs, mixed with Salt, Pepper and a German season called Aromat (you can order that at Amazon)

- Bread crumbs

- Lard or Veggie Oil or, like me, Bacon Fat ( I save it every time I fry Bacon in the Microwave)

Start with "schnitzeling" the meat ;-)  Put it in a zip lock back or between a sheet of Cling Foil and use the meat "hammer" to get it really thin. Be careful, don't make it to thin. You should be able to look thru but without holes. When you used the thin cut, there already pretty thin. They need less work to get thinner. They also stay smaller. When you use the thick cut, it will take a moment and they will get really big.

Now the messy part: Put the Schnitzel thru the Egg wash first and then the Bread crumbs. You can repeat that a second time if you want for more flavor and more crust. 

In the meantime, heat a non stick pan with plenty of the fat of your choice. With Lard, it will get a little bit more of a porky flavor. With Bacon, it will get the Bacon flavor and with the Oil it will stay neutral. Don't heat up to high. The Schnitzel just needs like 2 min on each side tops. So leave the pan on medium high. Just make sure that the meat is surrounded and "swimming" in fat to get it evenly brown. 

Once its done, let it drip on a paper towel and keep it warm in the oven til you serve or, serve right away. We are just 3 people. So its usually pretty fast with the frying process. 

Traditionally you add a slice of fresh Lemon (and yes, we squeeze it over the meat too). You can serve the Schnitzel with French Fries or with Potato Salad. Whatever your heart desire. We like both. For some reason I think rice or noodles are not going good with it. It's not how we eat it in Germany.

Or you can eat it as a nice sandwich.......

Guten Appetit 

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