Wednesday, March 9, 2016

German Potato Salad

German Potato Salad with Mayonnaise

Since I posted the recipe for the Schnitzel earlier, I felt like adding the recipe for my regular german Potato Salad with Mayonnaise with it. We basically have different Potato Salads in Germany, depending on the Area. Since I am from the South (Bavaria), we have 2. The regular Potato Salad is with Mayonnaise and then we have what we call the Bavarian Potato Salad which is with Pickles, Onions, Bacon bits and Parsley. 

Today I am concentrating on the regular Potato Salad. It is easy and quick. 

To start this post I want to take a moment to talk about Potatoes. There are 3 different kind of Potatoes:  

High starch Potatoes which are good for mashed Potatoes just like the Russet.

               Medium starch Potatoes which are good for Gratins, baking or if you want them to hold their shape better just like yellow finns and white Potatoes or Yukons.

                Low starch Potatoes which are good for Potato Salads or frying like red Potatoes or Ruby Crescent

What you need:

- Potatoes ( I count usually 3 per person)

- 1 Onion, minced                                     

- hard boiled eggs, optional                      

- hot beef broth (use the Bullion)               

- Mayonnaise ( for here I like plain Mayo)

 - Parsley, optional                                     
- Vinegar (optional)                                  

Now that you have picked the right Potato, boil it in water til their slightly undercooked between 20-30 min depending on their size. Peel them hot and slice them in a bowl. In the meantime you can boil the eggs and water where you can release the beef bullion. Sometimes I am making my own Mayonnaise since this is done really quick. 

Mayonnaise home made: 

- 1 Egg                         

- 1 TBS Mustard           

- 1 Cup good quality Oil

- Juice from a Lemon     

- salt                                 

Add all ingredients in a high, narrow bowl where a hand blender can fit in just perfectly. Now blend it for a couple of seconds, pushing the blender up and your Mayonnaise is done. Now just taste it if  its salted enough.

Back to our Potato Salad. Once the Potatoes are cooked and sliced, add the hot beef broth and Mayonnaise and stir it good. Now you can add the Onions and eggs and Parsley. Stir it good. I like to top the Salad with some Parsley just for the looks. You can eat it warm but also cold. The Mayonnaise will set and the Potatoes are going to soak up the hot beef broth and will cook thru more (thats why they should be slightly undercooked). Be careful at the first with the broth so its not getting to wet. You can add more later anytime. 

Guten Appetit 


  1. würzt du den Salat nicht mit Salz und Pfeffer und Essig?

  2. nein. eigentlich nicht. normalerweise reicht das salz in der fleischbruehe aus. und nein, ich mach kein Essig rein.
