Saturday, March 26, 2016

Bavarian Bread dumplings

Bread Dumplings (Semmelkloesse)

That is an Bavarian thing. This bread dumbling recipe is in my family over Generations. I don't know for how long. And it will stay in our family since I am teaching my daughter how to do them as well. This bread dumblings are going with almost every sunday dish/Roast. If its pork, beef or just plain with mushrooms in cream sauce, it works.

Thats what you need:

- around 1 lbs of dry and cut bread rolls (I count 2 for 1 dumbling)

- 1/2 -  1 big yellow Onion, minced                                                    

- 1 big bouquet of fresh Parsley, minced                                             

- around 200 ml whole milk                                                                 

- 2 Eggs                                                                                                 

- salt                                                                                                       

Caramelize the onions in butter on medium heat along with the Parsley til both are smooth. In a sauce pan heat the milk, salt and eggs. Don't let it boil or you have scrambled eggs. It should be warm enough that you still can stick your finger it. So make the heat control with your finger. Now pour both, the onion/parsley mix and the milk, over the cut dry bread rolls and let it sit for a couple of min.. You don't want to burn your hands when you start kneading to early. Then, go in with both your hands and knead it well. Now form dublings in your preferred size. In a big pot, cook water with salt. once its boiling, reduce the heat to medium and add the dumblings. They shouldn't really boil. Leave them in the water for around 20 min or when they start floating. Thats when their done. Enjoy them to whatever. You can even cut them in slices, fry in butter and serve it to the dish. Its very yummy as well. 

Guten Appetit 

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