Saturday, March 26, 2016

Salad with Chicken and Honey Mustard

Salad with Chicken in honey mustard

I use to have this salad from a german restaurant alllllllllll the time. I loved it so much. The creamy Honey Mustard Sauce was just divine. Addictive. I neeeeed to have it. Regulary. I tried all kinds of recipes to make it that good. And failed. Til I found this one here. And...... that was it!!! It was THAT recipe. I am doing it ever since. For at least 15 years now. I love it so much. I am not a big salad eater but this one is unbeatable. 

Thats what you need:

- Salad (Butter lettuce, Iceberg, Mache) .... whatever you find

- 4 TBSP Sour Cream                                                                 

- 4 TBSP Vinegar                                                                         

- 4 TBSP Canola Oil                                                                    

- 2 TSP sweet Bavarian Mustard                                                  

- 2 TSP Honey                                                                               

- Salt and Pepper                                                                           

- Chicken Breast, chopped                                                             

You Mix all the ingredients together til you like the taste. In the meanwhile you wash the lettuce, chop the chicken breasts and fry them on each side til their brown. Then salt and pepper them. Now you can assemble the Salad. You may add Tomatoes, bell Peppers and Onions to it too. I don't. And once the chicken breasts are in the salad, I add the Sauce. Lots of it lol. I serve Toast, cut in triangle, with it. 

Guten Appetit

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