Saturday, March 5, 2016

Peanut Butter Mouse

Peanut Butter Mouse

I saw that recipe on a cooking show called Sweet Julia. I had to try it right away. But instead 
of using caramelized Peanuts as topping I used dark chocolate. Kinda taste like a Reeses Cup.

Thats what you need:

- 2/3 cup creamy Peanut butter ( I used organic)
- 1 1/2 cups Powdered sugar
- 1/4 cup whole milk
- 8 ounces pack of cream cheese, room temperature (I used Philadelphia) 
- 1 1/4 cup cold Heavy Cream (Sahne) 

Just add the first 4 ingredients and mix them well with a blender. In a separate bowl add the Heavy cream and whip it till its medium peaks. It should hold its form. 

Then gently add 1/3 of the heavy cream into the peanut butter mix and fold it in gently. Then you can add the rest and also fold it in gently. 

For the Chocolate sauce I used regular dark chocolate (not the drops) and added hot heavy whip and stirred it til it was melted and thick enough. Then I put some in the bottom of my Glass and then the peanut butter mouse. I then just drizzled some of the chocolate on top. Put it in the fridge til you serve it. It will set a lot once its cooling thoroughly. So if you like it a bit softer, just let it get back to room temperature before you serve.

Guten Appetit

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