Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Croquettes --- Kroketten

                                                  Croquettes -- Kroketten

Croquettes are a nice side dish. You might want to compare them with thick Tater Tots, but 
with a softer inside. More like Mashed Potatoes with a crust. 
They are very delicious and a perfect side dish to sunday roasts or to just Mushrooms with
I usually make them ahead of time. when I am bored and I have nothing else to do. I finish
them up, freeze them on the baking sheet and once they are frozen I transfer them into 
a freezer bowl or bag. When you need them, just take out the amount you need, spray them
with some cooking oil and place them in the oven. I give them a couple of min at the end with
the Broiler so they get a nice color

This is what you need:

- 500 gr Potatoes (for mashing) pre-cooked in salt water

- 2 Egg yolk

- 20 gr Potato Starch or Corn Starch

- 20 gr. melted unsalted Butter

- salt, Pepper, Nutmeg to taste

This is how you do it:

Best thing is to pre-cook the peeled Potatoes in salt water the night before. Or if you have left over from another dish. They should be cooled.
Mash the Potatoes really fine (through a Potato masher). You can even mash them a second time to get them really nice and smooth.

Seperate the Egg yolk and the Egg white in different bowls. Add the Egg yolks to the Potatoes and the rest of the ingredients. Stir thoroughly to get a smooth dough. 

Add a bit of water to the Egg whites and stir good. In a seperate bowl add some plain Breadcrumbs. 

Now take some of the dough and form it to a ball. Then roll them between your hands to get little sausages. Lay them on a non stick paper on a baking tray. Finish the dough with forming the Croquettes. 

When you are done forming, take one by one and put them in the egg wash first and then roll them in the Breadcrumbs. Use one hand for the wet and one hand for the dry so you don't get messy fingers.

Once you are done, put the baking tray with the Croquettes into the freezer. Once their frozen, you can pack them up or use them right away.

If you use them, just spray a bit cooking oil on them on the baking sheet and bake them in 350 degree oven for around 10-15 min.. If the color is still a bit pale, just turn on the broiler until you get a nice golden color.

Guten Appetit

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