Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Chicken Marsala

                          Chicken Marsala

One of my husbands favorites. Not necessarily german, but hey...... I can cook everything.

This is what you need:

- Chicken thighs or Chicken breast (we like the dark meat)

- 1 big box pre-sliced mushrooms

- 1 cup Chicken Broth

- 1 cup Marsala cooking wine (by the Vinegar in the grocery store)

- 1 diced Onion

- 1 clove Garlic, minced

- 1 Tbsp - 1 1/2 Tbsp flour

- Butter or Ghee (clearified Butter) for frying

- Salt and Pepper

This is how you do it:

Salt and Pepper the chicken parts and fry them on each side in the buttered and hot pan until golden on each side. Remove from pan.

Add the diced onions to the pan. You might want to add a bit more butter if necessary. Don't get them to dark. You might just turn down the heat to medium for that. Now add the garlic and the mushrooms and let it darken a bit, 1-2 min.. Now dust the mushrooms with the flour and stir well. Let it sit another min or 2. Now add the chicken broth and the Marsala. Pepper. Be careful with salt at that point. 

Add the chicken back to the pan and cover it. Let it cook for around 10 min.. In the meantime you can prepare your pasta or whatever you want to serve with it. The flour will thicken the sauce. 
At the very end, before you serve, try it and add salt if needed. But it will reduce some that's why I said, be careful ;-) 

That was it. Easy isn't it? Now have fun and.....

Guten Appetit

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