Thursday, May 10, 2018

Kraeuterrahmsosse -- herb cream sauce


                       Kraeuterrahmsosse -- herb cream sauce

There is a Instant fix product in germany, called Kraeuterrahm Schnitzel, and the sauce is just
divine. I have tried several recipes. I found this page where they fix the recipes without the fix
product. I got her recipe for this sauce, but it wasn't quiet the same. Today, I finally found it. 
After starting after the ladies recipe, I finished it up with a couple more herbs and flavors. It's
my daughters second favorite sauce and now, finally, I can make it without the Instant fix product.
Happy happy joy joy. 
By the way, that sauce is going good with almost any meat. Pork, chicken..... but you want to
catch the meat drippings and the sear flavors. 

This is what you need:

- 1 small onion, diced (or 1 TSP onion powder, if you dont want chunks)

- 200 ml Vegetable broth (Vegeta)

- 200 ml Heavy cream or Media Crema (mexican cream, less fat)

- 1/4 TSP  dry Parsley

- 1/4 TSP  dry Tarragon 

- 1 TSP dry Chives

- 1/4 TSP Garlic Powder

- 1/4 TSP ground mustard

- 1/4 TSPMajoram 

- 1/4 TSP Aromat (strengthen the flavor. If you don't have it, it's ok)

- Salt and Pepper

This is how you do it:

Get the herbs measured in a small bowl and grind them smaller with whatever kitchen gadget you have. I used a coffee bean grinder. It will make the sauce more creamy and less chunky.

Salt and Pepper whatever meat you are using. If you have Ghee, use this to fry the meat in a pan. If you don't have Ghee, use Butter. Ghee is just clarified butter without the protein.

Put the pan seared meat in an aluminium foil and keep it warm in the oven. DO NOT CLEAN OUT THE PAN!!!! You want those tiny little flavor bits in your sauce. When you just prepare everything but don't eat yet, just keep the meat on a plate and collect the juice from there.

Add a bit more Ghee or Butter if necessary and on medium heat, fry the diced onion. Skip that step when you use Onion Powder. When it starts to get a bit brownish, add the 1 TSP sugar. Cook it for another minute or so. Now add the cream and the vegetable broth you made out of the Vegeta Bullion. Let it simmer once and then add all the herbs and spices. Be careful with the salt. Let it simmer for a couple of min.. 

If the sauce is to liquidy, use 1 TSP corn starch and some water to make a slurry and thicken the sauce a bit. If it gets to thick, just add some more vegetable broth.

Now add the meat AND the meat drippings back in the pan and let the meat reheat. Now you can put the finishing touch on with the salt.

Today, we had filled chicken breast with cream cheese and bacon to this dish. You can eat with mashed potatoes, Croquettes, Rice.... whatever your heart desire. 

Guten Appetit

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