Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Granatsplitter - cake bombs

                Granatsplitter - cake bombs

Granatsplitter in Germany was usually a way for bakeries to use pieces of cake or Torte from the day before they couldn't sell. Usually, they just threw all left over cakes together, mixed them up, put them on a piece of waffle or they baked small pie crusts and set them on top of it. Covered in some chocolate and e voila, you had another cake to sell. Now here in the states, you can do that too. Or, you can do it like me and follow this easy steps. I even froze the "cake mix" and reused it later. 
Quick way on preparing something for a spontanous Guest. 

This is what you need:

- really, there is no right or wrong. I usually bake a box chocolate cake

- I usually use either a box Marzipan cake or the Marzipan cake from Aldi. But you can use also
 a nut cake or whatever you just like

- If you don't have Marzipan (what is Almond), but you want to achive that flavor, make a vanilla   cake and just add Almond Extract to it.

- Instant Vanilla pudding

- 2 Sticks butter

- Rum Extract

- your favorite chocolate. I like the bitter chocolate on this (more cocoa then sugar)

- Waffles or you make a quick dough and bake some small round pie crusts

This is what you need for the Pie crust:
You can freeze the rest of the dough before baking or just make half amount.

- 100 gr Sugar

- 200 gr. Butter (softened) 

- 300 gr. Flour

- 1 egg 

This is how you do it:

If you don't have Waffles like in this picture, make the pie crust dough. Roll it out to around 1 inch
and use a cookie cutter to cut out circles. Place them in the preheated 350 Fahrenheit oven and bake them till their golden around 10 min.. Let them cool before further use.

Bake the box cakes like instruction says. Make the Instant Vanilla pudding like Instruction says.
Use half of the box cakes and crumble them up when cooled. Add the 2 sticks of butter to the Vanilla pudding and some Rum extract. Stir in the Vanilla cream with the crumbled cake.

Place little oval balls on the waffles or pie crusts in the size you desire. 

Melt the Chocolate of your choice over a hot water bath. You simple add some hot water in a pan and place another bowl with the chocolate on top of the water. Don't do it in the microwave. Don't use hot cream for it. You don't want a Ganache. It would be to liquid. Now carefully spoon the chocolate over your cake bombs. You best place some wax paper underneath a cookie cooling sheet. So you avoid a huge mess. 

I usually put them on a baking trey and place it in the deep freezer for a couple of min until the chocolate hardens. Then I remove them and store them in the Fridge. 

Guten Appetit

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