Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Schaschlick --- Kebab

                                               Schaschlik --- Kebab

Schaschlik is like a Kebab here in the states. You can basically put on that stick what you want. 
The cooking part is a bit different though then to the Kebab here in the states. 

This is what you need:

- Pork loin

- same thickness beef meat (stew meat works pretty good)

- chicken (optional)

- Liver (optional)

- Thick cut Bacon

- Onions

- Bell Pepper

- Salt, Pepper, Curry, Paprika, Garlic powder, Onion powder

- Beef Broth

- 1/2 cup oil

- Ketchup

This is how you do it:

Cut all ingredients in same size cubes. Use Sticks what would fit in an oven safe pan or regular pan. I still have little issues with this lol. (I found the medium size wooden sticks to be perfect now)
Place the vegetables and the meat on the sticks how you want. I usually place vegetables after every other piece of meat. 

Sear them in a pan first before placing them in the sauce. Once their seared, place the Schaschlik sticks in a deep oven pan or a big sauce pan. Season it with salt, pepper, Paprika and Curry. Mix Beef Broth and Ketchup to a 1:1 ratio, enough to slightly cover the meat.  Add the oil and cover it with aluminium foil or with the lid. 

Cook it in preheated oven 350 Degrees for 60 min or until the meat is soft. In the pan it took me around 90 min.. 

Remove the sticks but keep the liquid. Adjust the flavor of the sauce with more salt and curry if needed. You want a nice kind of sour taste, not to spicy. 

Serve the Schaschlik with the sauce on top and some french fries or just plain bread.

Guten Appetit

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