Thursday, April 12, 2018

Bienenstich Kuchen (Bee sting cake)

                    Bienenstich Kuchen
                        Bee Sting cake

One of the most popular cakes for germans here in the states. It's traditionally with yeast dough
but for some reason I don't like it that way. There are recipes with regular dough I prefer.
I am sharing with you now the fastest, most delicious and still impressive cake you can do to 
impress people.

This is what you need:

- 4 Eggs 

- 150 gr Sugar

- 100 gr Flour

- 1 pack to cook vanilla pudding (you can substitude with corn starch and Vanilla aroma)

- 1 Teaspoon backing powder 

- 400 ml heavy whip cream

- sliced Almonds

- your favorite honey

- 1 pack of instant Vanilla pudding (preferable the german kind)

You can find this one at Big logs, sometimes Walmart, Commissaries...... Usually when I see it I buy a bulk lol.

This is how you do it:

Add the eggs with the sugar in a bowl (eg Kitchen aid) and whip it on medium to high speed until its light colored and thick-ish. Now add the flour, pudding powder (or the cornstarch with around 1 TBS Vanilla) and 1 TSP Backing powder. Whip until its all combined.

Cover the walls of your round baking form generously with butter so nothing sticks. Preheat your oven to 325 degree and put in the cake for around 15-20 min.. After the 15-20 min remove it and cover the top with sliced almonds and drizzle honey on it generously (also so they stick to the cake). I do that now because I figured that the Almonds with honey are to heavy for the cake dough and sank into the cake. You don't want that to happen. Now put the cake back into the oven for another 10 - 14 min. (a total of 30 min). Make the test with a stick to see if the center is done.

Let the cake completely cool off before you remove it from the form.

I make the filling the day I have my guests coming over so its super fresh. For the filling you simple take the 400 ml heavy whip with the instant vanilla pudding and whip it until stiff peaks form (I usually just carefully turn that dish over and if nothing is moving or floating out, its good )
Now half the cake in the middle and apply all of the cream and put the lid back on (with Almonds up) and decorate it with a bit icing sugar.

Now enjoy your cake with your family and/or guests

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