Sunday, June 26, 2016

Coffee ice cream

                                    Coffee Ice Cream

I like creamy ice creams. Gelato, if that is the more common word. I like to experiment with
freezing things. This recipe here is def. a keeper. Easy to make. You just need to have patience 
til its frozen solid.

That's what you need:

- 1/2 cup cold black coffee

- 1  12oz can of sweetened condense milk

- 1 TBSP of Baillys Irish Cream (or whatever Brand you like)

- 2 cups of Heavy Whipping cream (yes, I use a lot Heavy whip in my cooking lol)

That's how you do it:

Combine in a bowl the coffee, the Irish cream and the condense milk. 

In a separate bowl (one you can froze with), whip the 2 cups of heavy whipping cream til
it stiff peaks. 

Now add the coffee mixture to the cream and mix it just quick together. Cover it and freeze
at least 3 hrs.. 


Guten Appetit

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