Monday, June 6, 2016

My version of Thai Curry

                                  Thai Curry

This recipe I have from my mom. Well, it was never a recipe but a whats-in-the-fridge-and-add-
curry dish..... LoL. I thought it was super delish and therefor I cooked it after it. So if you don't
have all the ingredients, just look in your fridge and substitute. 

Thats what you need:

- 1 box of thin sliced pork loins, diced

- 2 onions, diced

- 3 Carrots, diced

- 1 Bell pepper, diced

- 1 clove Garlic, finely chopped

- 1 Tomato, peeled (or use a peeled tomato from a can)

- 1 Banana

- Salt, pepper

- Curry

- Paprika

- ground Ginger

- Caraway seeds

- Brown Gravy

- Soy sauce

Thats how you do it:

Fry the meat in a big pan from all sides nicely brown. Then Remove it from the pan and set aside.

Add all the vegetables but not the Tomato and let them steam up til their nice soft. Watch your heat. You might have to reduce to medium heat.

 Now add all the spices, Soy sauce and stir well. Add the amount of Water what is asked on the Brown Gravy and add the Gravy to it. Stir and try. When I cook, I always try my food. That's the fun of it right? I am bad with measuring. I guess you have figured that already by now. Therefor, I try it and adjust.

 Well, you think the sauce tastes good, add the meat with its juice. Now add the diced tomato and the Banana. If you thought I was crazy to add a Banana in there, you will now figure, that's exactly what that dish needed. Now its perfect.

The Tomato gives it a bit of a freshness and lightness. You can add another Tomato if you like. 

We eat Rice with it.

Guten Appetit 

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