Monday, June 6, 2016

German Pfannkuchen or Crepe


The Crepe has many names but is in most languages pronounced like we germans do it:
Pfannkuchen. In english its basically translated one on one: Pancake. But since the american
Pancake is different then the same named dish Pfannkuchen, you know it here as Crepe. 
But comparing to the authentic Crepe or Pfannkuchen, americans add sugar to the dough
and just know it as a dessert. But in the real one we actually add just a bit of salt. Therefor
the Crepe is many sided. And man, how we love it with a good mushroom cream sauce or in soup.

Yes, you heard it right. SOUP. we call it Flaedlesuppe. Because it looks like strings in the soup.
Its basically just clear beef broth you pour in your plate, roll up 1 Crepe, cut them into thin 
slices and add it the the hot soup. No need to extra warming it. Try it. You will  love it.

Ok, got side tracked lol. Here we go.

What you need:

- 2 Eggs

- 1 pinch of salt

- 250 ml (1 cup) milk

- 1 TBSP melted butter

- 100 gr (4-5 Tablespoons) Flour

Thats how you make it:

Put the milk in a bowl, add the eggs and the salt and the melted butter and stir it well. Then 
add the Flour and make sure everything is well incorporated and there are no lumps. The 
dough is pretty liquid. Let it sit for a couple of min so the Butter can do its magic. 

Heat up a non stick pan with a little bit of Veggie Oil. Now add one soup ladle full of the dough 
into the pan and move the pan til the bottom is covered in the dough. It should be nice and thin.
Reduce the heat to medium. The surface usually starts to get solid and thats the moment when 
you turn the Crepe around. It should be nicely tanned. The other side is a lot quicker. Maybe 
half a min and its done. One Crepe usually takes around about 2 min.. Remove it from the pan
and set it aside. Before you pour in the next soup ladle full of dough, mix the dough again. 
The starch settles to the ground after a while. So every time you pour in more dough in the pan, 
stir it. 

Now, you can eat them however you want. Sweet, savory, in soup....... that's totally up to you.
My daughter loves it with Nutella and Bananas. Its also good with sugar/cinnamon and apple
sauce. Or with Strawberries and whipping cream. There is no limit to your phantasy. 

Guten Appetit

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