Monday, June 6, 2016

cold (or warm) fresh Tomato Sauce and 2 ideas of dishes with it

                                        Fresh Tomato sauce

I just recently developed a nice new and quick Tomato Sauce. If you have, like us, a lot of
Tomatoes in your backyard, that's an idea what you can do with them. 

I tried the sauce cold and warm already. In two different dishes. We had it with filled 
chicken breast and with Steak. After you blended it, just pour it in a pot and let it heat up
for a little bit. That's it.

Thats what you need:

- Tomatoes

- 2-3 cloves of Garlic

- good handful fresh Basil

- 1/2 onion

- good extra virgin olive oil

- pinch of salt and pepper

Thats how you make it:

Put all the ingredients in a Blender and blend it well. Don't add to much Olive oil. Just maybe 
1 - 2 Tablespoons. It's not Pesto ;-). That's it. Easy right?

For the Filled chicken breast I butterflied a breast and pounded it nice thin (use clear foil to not
damage the meat though). salt, pepper and add the cream cheese over it. You can also add some
green onions on it. Now roll it up. In the meantime pre-fry the bacon. Save the bacon fat though.
Wrap the chickens with the bacon and secure them with sticks. Now add the bacon fat in a oven dish 
(Dutch oven) and add the chicken. Put it in the preheated oven at 350 degrees for like 30 min.. 
For 5 min turn on just the broiler to make the bacon nice and crispy. 

For the steak I just salted and peppered the sirloin steak and fried it in veggie oil from each side.
Then I added butter, Garlic and Rosemary and poured it over the steak. I love the 5 min rice but
there I added to the salt a bit Oregano and Rosemary as well. Then I poured the hot Tomato Sauce
on the plate, placed the other things on top and poured a bit of the butter/steak juice over the steak
itself as well. Hmmmm that was so good.

Guten Appetit

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