Wednesday, August 17, 2016

low carb pork loin with sauce Hollondaise

                Low carb pork loin with Sauce Hollondaise

This is what you need:

- 1 Pork loin, cut in Medallions

- Bacon

- shredded Mozzoralla or the little balls

- Sauce Hollondaise mix

This is how you do it:

Pepper the Medallions and wrap each in a slice of Bacon. (You will not need salt because of the Bacon). Fry them in a non stick pan from each side. Once fried, lay them in a oven dish. Then add 
the Sauce Hollondaise (prepare like package says) over the pork. At the end, lay out the Mozzarella balls (or the shredded Mozzarella). When you use the balls be aware that they will water down the
Sauce a lot. I actually liked it like this. 

Now put the dish for around 15-20 min in 400 degrees oven till the cheese is nicely melted. 

Guten Appetit 

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