Monday, June 6, 2016

Bechamel Sauce aka Alfredo

                            Bechamel Sauce aka Alfredo

Let's talk about Bechamel Sauce. I am not sure when and how it turned to be called 
Alfredo in the united States. Maybe Mr. Alfredo made the Bechamel for the first time with Pasta
and named it after himself? The truth is though, that Bechamel is used in a lot more dishes then
just as Alfredo Sauce. It is multi talented. In fact, that is the base of every Mac'n Cheese. Yes,
Bechamel or Alfredo IS Mac'n Cheese. Here try to add Goat cheese and some Worcestershire sauce.
It's giving your traditional Mac'n Cheese an extra tang.

The basic Bechamel Sauce is just butter, Flour, milk, salt and Nutmeg. After that you can use it
for soooooooo many things. It is the white layer of the Lasagna (actually. Not Ricotta). Added
with any kind of cheese you want you use it for the famous Mac'n Cheese. With cheese added,
its the base of every vegetable casserole. From Potatoes over Pasta, over filled Manicotti......

Have you ever tried to mix Marinara (Tomato sauce or Pomodoro) and Bechamel for a pasta
dish? I just recently did. Just fry half an onion, add a splash of heavy whip, add 1 soup ladle 
of Bechamel and a few table spoons of your favorite Marinara (or Pesto Rosso, even better).
Add 2 pinches of salt, DONE. It is soooo good.

I use the Bechamel and add cream cheese, Pancetta slices and pre-cooked Broccoli over Pasta.  
Trust me, its worth a try. 

As you see, there are soooo many ideas with Bechamel sauce. Here are some pictures again
of how you make it. I mentioned it at the Lasagna before.

Thats how it looks like when its done. 

Guten Appetit

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