Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Coconut chicken curry

                       Coconut chicken curry

This is a 5 min dish. I saw that recipe on the cooking channel but gave it my own little twist.
My husband never ate something like that before so I was a bit concerned if he would like it.
Well, we sat down on the table and he tried it and immediately took my plate away lol. So, yeah
he liked it.

This is what you need:

- 2-3 chicken breasts, diced

- the green of a couple of spring onions

- Tomato paste, 1/4 of a can

- 1/2 can coconut milk

- 100 ml heavy cream

- 1 TSP mild curry powder (of if you like it spice, the regular one)

- 1 TSP ground ginger

- 1 TSP smoked Paprika

- 1 TSP ground cumin

- 1 TSP ground mustard

- Salt and Pepper

This is how you do it:

Fry the diced chicken breasts til their nicely brown. Then add the green of the spring onions and
let it fry for a bit. I used coconut oil since I was about to use coconut milk anyway. Then add the 
Tomato paste and stir it in well. Add the spices and let it sit for just a min or so. Now you can add the coconut milk and the heavy cream. Stir and you are done. Easy wasn't it?

If you like, you can add all kinds of vegetables your choice to it. You might be even able to add some
pineapple or kiwi for the very exotic flavor. Fruits go very good with curry and ginger. 

I served rice with it. Since I use the 5 min rice, I basically start the rice the same time as with the chicken. So their both done at the same time. If you add a little bit curry powder to your rice, you
get the nice yellow color and a hint of curry in your rice.

Guten Appetit

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