Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Griessbrei - Semolina Pudding

                                  Griessbrei - Semolina pudding

This is something we give our babies for dinner when their in the age of starting eating solid
food. My husband and I loved the baby food version. When I made it from scratch the first
time in the united states, my husband didn't even want to try it at first. When I finally convinced
him to try it, he said: it tastes just like the baby food we gave Madison when she was a baby.
Umm, yeah lol. He couldn't stop "steeling" from my bowl ha ha ha.

This is what you need:

- 60 gr. Cream of wheat 

- 500 ml (2 cups) milk

- 15 gr. unsalted butter

- 1 Egg (separate)

- 2-3 TBSP sugar

- 14 gr Vanilla sugar (or 1 TSP vanilla extract but then 1 TBSP more sugar)

- 1 pinch of salt

Cook the milk with the salt to a boil, add the cream of wheat immediately and stir constantly. 
Turn the heat down, add the sugar and vanilla  and let the pudding cook for around 5 min. or until thickens. 

Whip the egg white till soft peeks. Add the egg yolk to the pudding and stir well. Now fold 
the egg white carefully in the pudding.

Serve with cinnamon or fruits. You can eat warm or cold. 

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