Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hello everyone, this is Simone

Hello everybody, my name is Simone. I am a 39 year old native german lady living in the united states of America. I am a former retired military wife with an 8 year old daughter. My husband and I love food. Good food. Home made food. So I am cooking and baking every day. Mostly european dishes like german, romanian (my ex-husband is from Romania), italian, greek, turkish and many more. Also I am giving american dishes an european touch. Have fun with my recipes and I always appreciate feedback when you cook them and like them. 


  1. Hi Simone,
    I wish you a lot of fun with your new blog and I'm curious about your recipes.
    Have a lot of fun and enjoy to blogging.

  2. ich hab dich schon in der Leseleiste als Favorit. Wünsche dir viel Erfolg mit deinem Blog.

  3. Hey there! Lots of times I saw your food on fb and I was really curious about the recipies, cause they look really tasty! So I'd love to get inspired from you, this blog was good news this morning!
