Sunday, January 17, 2016

Chicken Paprikasch

Chicken Paprikasch

Short Story to this dish. I had it for the very first time in Romania. I loved it from the beginning. Then I have had it a few times at some friends houses.
I never really got the recipe but I watched my former mother in law over her shoulders
and, now cooking it for years, developed my own little touch to it. What I love about this recipe is the simplicity of the ingredients and the amazing out turn of the flavor. Beside that its actually pretty healthy. My daughter loves it so much, she is wishing for it regulary.

So, here is what you need:

- 1 Box of chicken drums (you can also use a whole chicken. just not only breast since you      don't want to use any chicken broth and therefor you need a little bit of bone)
- 1 big onion coarsley chopped
- 3-4 bell peppers (any color, doesn't matter)
- 2-3 Teaspoons of Tomatopaste
- Salt
- Pepper
- Paprika
- Water

That is how its done:

I like to remove the skin of the chicken drums first. They get slobby when you cook them. Then I chop the onion and bell peppers in not to fine cubes (you blend everything later anyways)
Fry the chicken drums from each side light brown. In the meantime you can add the Onion and Peppers in a bigger pot and start frying them a bit too. Once the chickens are brown, add them to the veggies. Now add salt, pepper and Paprika. Amount just eyeball. You can add more salt later so better be a bit careful. If you don't have sweet Paprika like me, you might be careful with the Paprika also. You don't want it to spicy. Then add the Tomatopaste and Water till the chicken, after stirred with the veggies, are slightly covered. Bring it back to a boil, reduce the heat, cover and let simmer for 30 min.. In the meantime you can cook the rice for the side. Or mashed potatoes. They both go good with it. Once the chickens are done, remove them and blend the sauce to a creamy consistence. Now you may add more salt if needed. At the very last add 2 Tablespoons of sour cream and combine it thouroghly. Serve the Sauce with the Chicken and the Rice

Guten Appetit


  1. I love the way you exposed the recipe, so clear and easy to prepare! I never done it before, but I sure will! While reading, I could almost smell the flavours!

  2. I have to try this, sounds easy to make and super flavorful!

    1. it's an all time favorite for us. Did you try it already? you like it?
