Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Pasta with red Pesto

                   Pasta with red Pesto
                    Penne e Pesto Rosso

This is a dish I invented. It is fast and yummy and you will love it. 

This is what you need:

- Penne Pasta

- 1 glass of Pesto Rosso (red Pesto. e.g. Aldi)

- Heavy cream

- cooked Ham

- Salt

This is how you do it:

Cook the Penne according to the Package. 

In the meantime, add Heavy cream into a sauce pan. For us 3 I usually use one small carton. Pour in the whole glass of Pesto Rosso, stir and heat up. 

Cut some cooked Ham in cubes and add to the sauce. Salt to taste. 

Once the Penne is done, pour it into the sauce and stir. Serve

Guten Appetit


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