Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tomato Salad

                         Tomato Salad

Nice little spin on a Tomato Salad. I really, really like this one.

This is what you need:

- Salt, Pepper

- Fresh Lemon Juice

- Little bit of Water

- Olive Oil

- 1 Garlic clove, diced

- 1 Shallot (mild onion)

- fresh Oregano, around 1 stack

- fresh Basil, 1-2 Leaves for Garnish

- red, orange and green Tomatoes

This is how you do it:

In a nice bowl add 1/2 TSP Salt, some Pepper. Around 1 TBSP fresh Lemon juice and same amount of Water. Try it. If you think it could use more Lemon Juice or water, go ahead. Not all Lemons are tasting exactly the same. (some more sweet, some have more acidity)

Finely chop the garlic and the Onion. Add it the the Salad dressing. Add around 2 TBSP of good extra virgin Olive Oil. Cut the leaves of the Oregano and add to it. Stir.

Take the Tomatoes and cut every color in a different shape. That will make it look more rustic. Now stir well and cut 1-2 leaves of Basil into it. You can also garnish it with Basil. 

Serve. Guten Appetit

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