Friday, November 22, 2019

Star of Bethlehem, Vogelmilch, Lapte de pasare

                    Star of Bethlehem

This is a very common dish from the germans in Romania. No matter if Siebenbuergen or 
Banat. In romanian it's called Lapte de pasare. In german Vogelmilch what literally translates to Bird Milk. It's a semi sweet dessert you enjoy when it's luke warm or cold 

This is what you need:

- 1 l (4 cups) of milk

- 3 Eggs, devided

- 4 TBSP Sugar

- 1 Vanilla bean or substitude with a TSP Vanilla extract

- 1 pinch of salt

This is how you do it:

Bring the milk, Vanilla bean and salt to a boil. Whip the Egg whites until they stiff peaks. 
When the milk is boiling, use a TBSP and cut little clouds of egg white and put them gently into
the hot milk. Boil for a minute then turn them around for another 30 sec.. Remove from the milk
and put them in a bowl.

Whip the Egg yolk with the sugar until creamy. Add the mixture to the milk and stir constantly until
it's thickening. 

Let the vanilla sauce sit for a bit to cool off. Then add them to the Egg white clouds and enjoy.

Guten Appetit

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