Friday, November 22, 2019

Gluehwein, white

                         Gluehwein, white

Warm spiced wine is a typical thing us germans do in Winter. Especially at those famous 
Christmas Markets. It's easy to make yourself. The one Aldi is offering though is terrible.
If you tried that one and you didn't like it, I don't blame you. But don't take that as they all
taste like this. 
Biggest rule in cooking in general is: use the wine you would drink!!!! So, if the recipe says
for dry wine and you like Moscato (like me), use Moscato. When you can't stand sweet wine,
don't use it just because the recipe says so. 
Usually for Gluehwein they use dry wine and add sugar. Why not use a sweet wine already? 
Again, if you don't like sweet wine, use the dry and add as much sugar as you can tolerate.
For my recipe I use Moscato. It works with red and white wine. But instead of Apple juice for
the white Gluehwein, use Orange juice for the red Gluehwein.

This is what you need:

- 1 bottle of your preferred wine (in my case, Moscato) (add 3 TBSP Sugar to dry)

- 300 ml of organic Apple juice 

- 1 cinnamon stick

- 2 Star Anise 

- 3 Cloves 

- 2 slices of Orange

This is how you do it:

Combine everything in a large sauce pan. Heat up but don't let it boil. Remove all hard parts
and enjoy your hot Gluehwein on a cold winter day.

Guten Appetit

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