Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Spaghetti al Forno

                        Spaghetti al forno

This dish here is actually pretty easy and quick and you can make it ahead. If you want to take
this to the next level, make your own Pasta. It's actually pretty easy and fast if you have a Pasta
maker. It can be worth the money if you eat Pasta as much as we do. I don't make it all the time,
but sometimes I just feel like it. Lasagne is even faster to make since you just have one big piece.

This is what you need:

- Spaghetti, cooked after instructions

- 1 lbs ground beef

- 2 mild italian sausages, squeezed out

- 1 can diced Tomatoes

- 1 glass of your preferred marinara sauce. (I use the organic one from Aldi)

- Bechamel Sauce (or, if it really has to go fast, 1 glass of your preferred Alfredo sauce since its    actually the same. See me post for this) 

- Parmesan cheese

This is how you do it:

Cook the Spaghetti. 

Fry in a big stainless steel pan the squeezed out italian sausage and the ground beef till its nice and crumbly. I season it with salt, pepper, oregano, thyme and rosemary a bit so its
not going to bold. Then I add my diced Tomatoes and the marinara sauce. I usually wash the glass 
out with a bit of heavy cream. So you get that extra creaminess in it. Bolognese Sauce done. 

Preheat the oven to 350 Fahrenheit.

For the Bechamel Sauce just add some unsalted butter in a sauce pan and add enough flour so its completely soaked. Let it cook for a min.. Then add enough milk that its getting nice and creamy.
Season with salt and nutmeg. Then I added a good handful of shredded Parmesan cheese. If you don't want to make the Bechamel Sauce, you can simple use one of your preferred Alfredo Sauces. For
better instructions, go down my recipes for the Bechamel Sauce recipe (pictures added there). 

Once the Spaghetti are cooked, drain and transfer them into the Bechamel Sauce (or Alfredo) and stir well.

Use a baking dish and add from the Marinara sauce (Bolognese) on the bottom. Then add the 
Spaghetti on top and finish with the Bolognese sauce on top. Sprinkle with Parmesan and put in the
oven for 5-10 min. 

Serve and enjoy. You can add here also vegetables if you like. Mushrooms going good with it.

Guten Appetit

Coconut chicken curry

                       Coconut chicken curry

This is a 5 min dish. I saw that recipe on the cooking channel but gave it my own little twist.
My husband never ate something like that before so I was a bit concerned if he would like it.
Well, we sat down on the table and he tried it and immediately took my plate away lol. So, yeah
he liked it.

This is what you need:

- 2-3 chicken breasts, diced

- the green of a couple of spring onions

- Tomato paste, 1/4 of a can

- 1/2 can coconut milk

- 100 ml heavy cream

- 1 TSP mild curry powder (of if you like it spice, the regular one)

- 1 TSP ground ginger

- 1 TSP smoked Paprika

- 1 TSP ground cumin

- 1 TSP ground mustard

- Salt and Pepper

This is how you do it:

Fry the diced chicken breasts til their nicely brown. Then add the green of the spring onions and
let it fry for a bit. I used coconut oil since I was about to use coconut milk anyway. Then add the 
Tomato paste and stir it in well. Add the spices and let it sit for just a min or so. Now you can add the coconut milk and the heavy cream. Stir and you are done. Easy wasn't it?

If you like, you can add all kinds of vegetables your choice to it. You might be even able to add some
pineapple or kiwi for the very exotic flavor. Fruits go very good with curry and ginger. 

I served rice with it. Since I use the 5 min rice, I basically start the rice the same time as with the chicken. So their both done at the same time. If you add a little bit curry powder to your rice, you
get the nice yellow color and a hint of curry in your rice.

Guten Appetit

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Griessbrei - Semolina Pudding

                                  Griessbrei - Semolina pudding

This is something we give our babies for dinner when their in the age of starting eating solid
food. My husband and I loved the baby food version. When I made it from scratch the first
time in the united states, my husband didn't even want to try it at first. When I finally convinced
him to try it, he said: it tastes just like the baby food we gave Madison when she was a baby.
Umm, yeah lol. He couldn't stop "steeling" from my bowl ha ha ha.

This is what you need:

- 60 gr. Cream of wheat 

- 500 ml (2 cups) milk

- 15 gr. unsalted butter

- 1 Egg (separate)

- 2-3 TBSP sugar

- 14 gr Vanilla sugar (or 1 TSP vanilla extract but then 1 TBSP more sugar)

- 1 pinch of salt

Cook the milk with the salt to a boil, add the cream of wheat immediately and stir constantly. 
Turn the heat down, add the sugar and vanilla  and let the pudding cook for around 5 min. or until thickens. 

Whip the egg white till soft peeks. Add the egg yolk to the pudding and stir well. Now fold 
the egg white carefully in the pudding.

Serve with cinnamon or fruits. You can eat warm or cold. 

Spanish Potatoes

                                Spanish Potatoes

This dish is good by its own but you can also serve some short fried meat with it like a steak
for example.

This is what you need:

- Potatoes for frying and baking (I calculate 2 per person)

- Bell peppers all colors (that its the same amount with the Potatoes) 

- chilly pepper or Poblano pepper, depends on how hot you want it

- 2-3 gloves of garlic, finely chopped

- salt, pepper, caraway seeds

- Sherry cooking wine

This is how you do it:

First boil the potatoes in their skin till their tender. Let them cool. Peel the skin and slice them in
french fries shape.
Wash the bell peppers and slice them in long thin slices. 

In a frying pan add some olive oil (2-3 TBSP) and let the potatoes fry for around 20 min. Stir occasionally so they brown nicely. Then you add the sliced bell Peppers and fry another 10 min.. You may add another TBSP or 2 of olive oil

In the meantime chop the garlic finely and slice the chilly pepper of your choice. When the 10 min for the bell Peppers are over, add the chilly and garlic. Let fry for around 5 min..

Now salt and pepper the potatoes and add a hand full of caraway seeds. At the very end, drizzle
Sherry cooking wine over it, that the potatoes are all getting a little wet. Let it sit a little bit longer
so the liquid can evaporate. You don't want it to wet.

(for 2 persons I use 4 potatoes, 2-3 Bell Peppers and around 1/3 cup Cherry cooking wine)

Guten Appetit

low carb pork loin with sauce Hollondaise

                Low carb pork loin with Sauce Hollondaise

This is what you need:

- 1 Pork loin, cut in Medallions

- Bacon

- shredded Mozzoralla or the little balls

- Sauce Hollondaise mix

This is how you do it:

Pepper the Medallions and wrap each in a slice of Bacon. (You will not need salt because of the Bacon). Fry them in a non stick pan from each side. Once fried, lay them in a oven dish. Then add 
the Sauce Hollondaise (prepare like package says) over the pork. At the end, lay out the Mozzarella balls (or the shredded Mozzarella). When you use the balls be aware that they will water down the
Sauce a lot. I actually liked it like this. 

Now put the dish for around 15-20 min in 400 degrees oven till the cheese is nicely melted. 

Guten Appetit