Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zucchini Pasta

                        Zucchini Pasta

I love Pasta, in all forms and shapes. Who doesn't? and you have to have something new every once in a while. More healthy. Technically you can make a creamy sauce out of every vegetable and add Pasta to it. In this case, I found a german recipe for Zucchini Pasta and I really like this. I want to try it with bell peppers soon too or just plain "Romanesco" sauce. Well, anyway, here is the recipe.

This is what you need:

- 1 Zucchini

- 1 glove of Garlic

- 1/2 red Onion (or 1 Shallot)

- handful of fresh Basil

- 50 gr of Pine nuts

- 150 gr. Sour Cream

- 40 gr. grated Parmigiano 

- Olive Oil

- Salt and Pepper to taste

This is how you do it:

In an oven safe dish add the cut Zucchini, Garlic and Onion and cover it with Olive oil. Put it in the preheated  400 degree Air Fryer (or conventional oven at 425) for 20 min.. In the meantime, gather all other ingredients and start cooking the Pasta of your choice. Don't forget to add salt to your pasta Water. When the vegetables are done, put the veggies in and Stand mixer and mix it very fine. Now add all the other ingredients and mix it well and season with Salt and Pepper to taste. At the end, add 1 big ladle of Pasta Water to the veggies. When the pasta is done, just add the sauce to it and stir well. Grate some Parmigiano on top of it and its ready to serve. 

Guten Appetit

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