Sunday, September 8, 2024

Homemade French Fries

                 Homemade French Fries

Unfortunately I don't have pictures yet but I will work on it next time and add them in here. I will explain it as good as possible.

This is what you need:

- Idaho Potatoes (or whatever "frying potatoes) I count 2 per person if big, 3-4 if small

- Lots of Oil

- big pan or a deep fryer if you have. I like a Wok for the frying

This is how you do it:

Peel the potatoes and wash them quick from dust. Horizontally cut slices of around 1/2 inch thick and then cut them in the middle to make "wedges". Leave the cut potatoes in a bowl of Water for at least 30 min to help release some of the starch (which makes them creamy but not crunchy) 

After the 30 min remove the potatoes and let them dry well. In the meantime, heat up the oil in the Wok or the deep fryer until bubbles form when you hold in a wooden spoon. Now carefully add the Potato wedges to the hot oil. You might have to adjust the heat but usually you don't. Fry them until they are nice and golden and crispy, don't stir them to often though. They will soften first and then tend to break when you stir them before they get crispy. In the wok in will take at least 30 min until they are nice and golden so plan ahead. I am not sure how long it will take in the deep fryer but probably around the same time. I personally don't like the deep fryer because you add more oil then needed (you will toss after, what a waste) and its hard to clean. 

BTW, i usually add the cold oil back into the bottle (if empty) or another empty plastic bottle and toss it in regular trash. I do not flush it down the drain. I hope that is environmentally better .

Now enjoy your homemade fries.

Guten Appetit

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