Sunday, September 8, 2024

Spaghetti Eis (Ice cream)

                   Spaghetti Eis (Ice cream)

This is a stable in German Gelaterias. We really like this one and its so simple. It needs some preparations though. It's called this way because of the way it looks. Nothing more. It's not a thing in Italy though, only Germany.

This is what you need:

- A package of fresh strawberries

- either Strawberry marmalade or Syrup to sweeten

- Vanilla Ice cream

- white chocolate, grated (to make it look like Parmigiano)

You will also need a "spaetzle Press" with bigger holes. Ikea has some or probably on amazon. 

This is how you do it:

Put all plates you are planning on using in the freezer for at least 30 min or longer. Otherwise your ice cream will melt immediately. 

In a blender, add all the fresh strawberries and puree them to a sauce. Now add Strawberry marmalade or syrup or both until it tastes really strawberry-ish and sweet. Put it in a container and store in the fridge. You will probably not need all of it.

When the plates are nice and cold, get the Vanilla Ice cream and the press. Press the Ice cream through it to get the Spaghetti look. Try to arrange it nicely in a big pile like you would with the spaghetti. It will take some practice and I haven't really mastered it yet so be patient with yourself. You might want to practice it first some day else before you want to "show off". Once the Ice cream is on the plate, put it back in the freezer. Give it some time to set again (or you can prepare it ahead of time and leave it in the freezer until you need it) Now you just drizzle some Strawberry sauce over it and garnish it with the grated white Chocolate. It will definitely impress your guests. 

Guten Appetit 

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