Sunday, May 24, 2020

Gnocchi in Gorgonzola Sauce

            Gnocchi in Gorgonzola Sauce

This here happened because I like Gorgonzola sauce. My former sister in law posted that one once and told me how she made it (of course without exact measurements) lol. You can use also Pasta. Doesn't just work with Gnocchi. Make sure you buy good Gorgonzola Cheese. Not Blue cheese.

This is what you need:

- Pack of dry Gnocchi, cooking like Package says

- 1 cup Heavy Cream

- Half of the Gorgonzola Cheese

- Tiny bit of salt to taste

- Crumbled cooked Bacon

- Parsley for garnish

This is how you do it:

While the Gnocchi (or Pasta) is cooking, heat up the heavy cream. If you need more sauce, just double everything. Crumble in the cheese and cook and stir until Cheese has melted. Try and add salt as needed. If to thick, you can thin out with plain milk.

Cook the Bacon and crumble.

When Gnocchi are done, add the sauce and stir. Serve and crumble over the Bacon and Parsley to garnish. If you want to go real fancy, add a couple of Saffron to the sauce.

Guten Appetit

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