Friday, October 28, 2016

Romanian Apple cake

                   Romanian Apple cake
                       Prajitura cu mere

This is an apple cake I had in Romania. I loved that you can basically take it in your hand 
without a mess and eat as you go. Also, it is not super sweet, juice even though you squeeze
out most of the juice. Something small for in between.

This is what you need:

- 500 gr. Flour (around 4 cups)

- 250 gr soften Butter (around 2 sticks)

- 3 Eggs

- 5 TBSP Sugar

- pinch of salt

- 14 gr Vanilla sugar (or 1 TBSP Vanilla extract)

- 1 pack (14 gr) Baking powder (around 1/2 TSP)

- 6-7 big apples

- sugar and cinnamon 

This is how you do it: 

Put in a big bowl together the Flour, eggs, butter, sugar, salt, Vanilla and baking powder and kneed
with your hands (I used disposable gloves so it doesn't stick to the fingers) till you have a smooth dough. Let it rest in the fridge.

Peel the apples and remove the seeds. Then shredder them over a cheese cloth and a big bowl. 
Wring them out good in the cheese cloth. (The apple juice you can drink and its very delicious). 
Add some sugar and cinnamon to the shredded and dry apple and mix it good.

On a baking sheet place some non stick cover. Take half of the dough and a cling wrap to roll it 
thin the size of the baking sheet. Then apply the apples over the whole dough.

Take the 2nd piece of dough, place it on the same size baking sheet and lay it on a piece of cling wrap. Then take another piece of cling wrap to roll the dough thinly the size of the sheet again. 
You will see that it's nearly impossible to roll the dough without the cling wrap and how easy it is
with it. 

Now just lay the layer of dough over the apples as a top. Sprinkle some sugar over it and bake it
in a preheated 305 degrees oven for around 40 min till its golden brown. 

Guten Appetit
Pofta buna 

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