Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Schmandtorte ---- Omas specialty cake

                                   Oma's specialty Cake

This is the cake my Oma use to make all the time for us. We all loved it, still do. But my Oma has
passed already. When I make this cake, I am redirected into my Omas house were we sit on the 
Dining table together, having coffee and cake. Even though I am a lot influenced by my Omas 
cooking, I dedicate this recipe to her. May she rest in peace.

This is what you need:

for the bottom

- 125 gr soften unsalted Butter

- 250 gr Flour

- 70 gr sugar

- 3 Egg yolks (keep the whites for the topping)

for the filling

- Vanilla pudding, made like instructed

- 500 gr. full greek yogurt

- splash of Lemon juice

for topping

- 3 Egg white

- 125 gr sugar

This is how you do it:

If you have, like me, german vanilla pudding, you need to cook the pudding like instructed. Give it time to cool with stirring in between so you don't get a skin. If you use american pudding, prepare as instructed but because it doesn't need to cool off, you can proceed with the rest of the cake.

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Add all the ingredients for the bottom cake in a bowl and knead them well with your hands. Transfer it to a round cake form you have buttered before. Push the dough with your hands in form with making a little ring around the flat bottom. 

Add to the vanilla pudding the greek yogurt and lemon juice and mix well. Transfer to the cake form and bake the cake for 40 min..

Beat the egg whites with the sugar till stiff peaks. Put it on top of the cake and proceed baking for another 20 min..

Let cool completely

Guten Appetit

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