Sunday, April 28, 2024

Potato Taco Skillet

                                          Potato Taco Skillet 

If you love Taco just as much as we do, I have 2 options for you. This is option 1. I will post option 2 right after this one. You can do this as a vegetarian dish or you can add the ground meat to it. That's up to you. 

This is what you need:

- hard boil Potatoes, depending on how many in your family. I usually count 2 per person

- 1/2 lbs ground meat (optional)

- 1 -2 Packs of Taco seasoning to your liking

- green onions

- Tomato salsa

- Guacamole

- Corn chips

- Sour cream

- Cheese to your liking. I like the Taco cheese for this one

This is how you do it: 

Clean and cut the Potatoes into 1 inch cubes. I usually boil them for like 5 min so they get a head start. Pan fry them in oil in a big skillet until crispy and brown. You also may fry the meat in a separate skillet so you can remove the water. When meat and potatoes and browned, mix them together, add the water like stated on the Taco package and add the Seasoning to it. Stir good and reduce the liquid like stated. 

I got me those cute little skillets from Amazon for everyone to add whatever they like. My daughter isn't crazy about most of the ingredients so I can leave them out better for her plus it looks professional and cute. I add the potato-meat mixture onto the skillet and add the cheese on top. Put them in the microwave for just 30 sec or until the cheese is melted. Serve having all ingredients on the table for everyone to load themselves. I like all of it so that's what I put on mine. 

Guten Appetit

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