Wednesday, September 1, 2021



This is a fast dish, comfort food, hospital food and I don't know what. My daughter is keep asking for it and since I started this food blog for her, so she can look up all the recipes, I have to add it here. I cook a lot and my daughter keeps saying that my food is better then all the restaurants we go to and I should open my own restaurant, but its also mostly ethnic food, family recipes and authentic food from back home and our surrounding Countries. She enjoys it thoroughly. And I just figured that most of the recipes are made actually pretty fast. It doesn't take a lot of ingredients, but the right ones. 

This is what you need:

- 1 lbs of ground meat (whatever you want to use)

- 1 small onion, diced

- 1-2 gloves of garlic, finley chopped

- 250 ml Water (1 cup)

- 2 TBSP Brown Gravy or Sosse zum Braten

- 1 TBSP sour cream

- Salt, Pepper and Paprika powder

- shredded carrots, optional

This is how you do it:

In a big pot, saute the onion and the shredded carrots if you use them. I do, so it adds a bit of vegetable to the dish. When the onions are soft, add the garlic for 1 min.. Now turn up the heat and brown the ground meat. I usually push the onions to the side so they don't burn. Once the meat is nice brown and crumbly, season it with salt, pepper and Paprika. Then add the 250 ml of water and the brown gravy. Stir everything good. Bring back to a bubble. Take the pan off the heat and stir in the sour cream and that's it. 

We like to eat Noodles with it like elbow pasta, but also mashed potatoes or rice is going really good with it. \

Guten Appetit 

1 comment:

  1. 'Tinanium Tube': The Anesthetic of the Tincher - Bao Jin Chi
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