Friday, March 5, 2021

Pasta Alfredo

                                           Pasta Alfredo

I know Alfredo is not really a thing in Italy. Maybe in Rome, but even there I haven't seen this dish on a restaurant menu. Maybe it's more like a mom'n paps kind of thing? Anywho, this dish is a big thing in the United states. But thus far, I haven't found a recipe I liked. I made it for my daughter and the Husband, but I never ate it. Until I found this one. This is really the best Alfredo recipes out there. So, I save you from searching the internet. Just try this and let me know if I was right lol. This is not my recipe though. But let me tell you again the importance of using the original Parmigiano Reggiano. First, the flavor is really different. You will taste it. Second, the quality. It's just made with better ingredients then the copycat. Never go for the grated one. You don't know what else they grated into that. You can find the original Parmigiano at every good grocery store. Look on the back to find the burned in Logo of Parmigiano Reggiano. Then you know it's the original. And of course the price. It's a lot more expensive, but that dish is so cheap on the other ingredients, then you want to put that extra money into quality cheese. 

This is what you need:

-  1/2 cup of Butter (or 1/3. that worked too)

-1 1/2 cups of Heavy Whipping cream

- 2 TSP minced Garlic 

- 1/2 TSP Italian Season

- 1/2 TSP salt- Pepper 1/4 TSP or none like me ;-)

- 2 Cups freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano (don't settle for less)

This is how you do it:

Add the Butter and cream in a large skillet or pot. Simmer on low for about 2 min.. Whisk in the garlic, Italian season, salt and pepper and let simmer for another min.. Whisk in the Parmigiano Regiano and let  melt. Serve over every kind of Pasta or whatever you like. 

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