Monday, December 28, 2020

Bratapfel - Baked spiced Apple


               Bratapfel - Baked spiced Apple

Bratapfel is a common and popular dish for the Christmas. Because it's warm and spiced with Christmas spices. Easy to prepare and then just put in the oven. I made them in my Emeril Lagasse Air Fryer and it was perfect. Fast and easy. Give it a try, you will like it.

This is what you need: (for 2 Portions)

- 2 Apple per person

- 50 gr of softened Butter

- 2 TBSP raisins 

- 2 TBSP Almonds, sliced

- 1 TSP Cinnamon 

- 1 TBSP Honey

- 1 TBSP granulated Sugar or brown Sugar (I like the brown sugar better)

- just a dab of Lemon Juice

For the sauce:

- 150 ml Orange juice

- 1 TBSP Sugar

- 1 TBSP Lemon Juice

This is how you do it:

Take the apples and cut off the top. Don't throw it away though. With a sharp spoon, cut out the seeds. Be careful not to go to deep to pinch a hole in the bottom. Your filling with flood away then. Brush some Lemon Juice on the inside of the Apple so they don't turn brown.

Place the Almonds in a nonstick pan without oil and heat it for a couple of minutes until they are nice and toasted. Watch them, they burn fast. Let cool. In a bowl, mix together the Butter with the sugar, honey, cinnamon and Raisins. Add the cooled Almonds and stuff the Apples with the mixture. 

In a sauce pan, heat the Orange juice with the sugar and Lemon juice just until its boiling. Pour the Orange juice in an oven safe dish and place in the Apples without the lids. 

Bake them in a preheated 375 degree oven for Air fry or in a 400 degree regular oven for 25 min.. Then place the apple lids back on the apple and bake another 10 min.. 

Serve them warm on a plate with some of the juice and some Vanilla Ice cream and Whipped cream and enjoy.

Guten Appetit

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