Saturday, August 15, 2020

Romanian white bean soup - Ciorba de Fasole

 Romanian white bean soup - Ciorba de Fasole 

A Romanian classic. Every Family has their own recipe. We really like that one a lot.

This is what you need:

- Smoked pork Belly 

- 3-4 cans of white Great Northern beans

- soup vegetables (2 Carrots, 2  Celery, 1 Parsnip, 1 big Onion)

- Tarragon (put in a glass with Vinegar to preserve) 

-  1 TBSP Tomato Paste

- Milk and a bit flour for a slurry 

- Salt and Pepper to taste

This is how you do it:

Take the biggest cooking pot you have. Add around 1 Liter of Water. Cut the Celery, Onion and Parsnip in big junks. Cut the Meat in mouth size pieces. Add everything to the water and let it simmer until the meat is nice soft. Around 30 min.. Then remove the Vegetables and add the carrots to it (however you want to cut it. Just has to be mouth size) and let simmer another 10 min.. Now add the beans (rinsed) Tomato Paste and the milk-flour slurry. Stir everything well and bring back to a simmer. Salt and pepper it to taste. Use around 3 forks full of your in vinegar preserved Tarragon and cut it slightly in smaller sizes. Add to the soup. 

Traditionally the soup is served with a side of hot, marinaded Pepperoni. We can't eat that spicy so we left that part out. Still a very hearty and good soup to eat it plain like this.

Guten Appetit 

Pofta buna 

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