Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tagliatelle with Salmon and shallots

           Tagliatelle with Salmon and shallots
            Tagliatelle con scalogno e salmone

This dish is a from the Tuscany area in Italy. It's very sophisticated yet easy and fast to make.
If you like smoked Salmon, you will love this dish.

This is what you need:

- 350 gr Tagliatelle

- 2 Shallots

- 100 g smoked Salmon

- 30 gr Butter

- 1 TBSP Cognac

- 200 ml Heavy Cream

- 1 TBSP Tomato Paste

- Salt and Pepper

This is how you make it:

Cook the Tagliatelle like Package says. I used green ones for the look but you can use the regular ones. 

Peel the Shallots and cut them into thin slices. Cut the Salmon into stripes.

Heat the Butter in a pan and caramelize the Onions on medium heat until soft. Add the Cognac and let it reduce for a minute. Now add the heavy cream and the Tomato Paste and stir good. Season with Salt and Pepper and let simmer for 2 minutes. At the end, add the smoked Salmon.

When the Pasta is done, add it straight to the sauce and mix it. Serve

Guten Appetit

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