Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Germknoedel with Vanilla Sauce

               Germknoedel with Vanilla Sauce

This is an Austrian/South German dish. In Rest Germany they call it Dampfnudel. Usually 
the Dampfnudel is without filling though while the Germknoedel has a Plum marmelade
This is something I usually ate while in Austria. Especially after half day of skiing, at the
Halfway Restaurant on the mountain. It is really not a Dessert because it is to much and
rich to be a Dessert. You can really eat that as a sweet Lunch or Dinner. Its not really
overly sweet though. Just try it and you will see.

This is what you need:

For the Dumpling:

- 2 Cups of Flour

- 1 1/2 TBSP Sugar

- 1/2 TSP Salt

- Zest of 1/2 Lemon

- 1 TSP Dry active yeast

- 1 TSP Sugar

- 1/2 cup warm Milk

- 1 Egg

- 2 TSP Vanilla Sugar and 1/2 TSP Vanilla Extract (or 2 TSP Vanilla Extract)

- 2 TBSP melted Butter

For the Vanilla sauce:

- 2 Eggs

- 1 TBSP Cornstarch

- 2 TSP Vanilla Extract

- 2 TBSP Sugar

- 3/4 cup of Heavy whipping cream

- 1 1/4 cup milk

This is how you do it:

Put the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl. The yeast in the warm milk with the TSP sugar should be mixed together and set until it foams. 
Now add the foaming yeast with the melted butter and the Egg to the mixing bowl and kneed it for like 5 min on low speed (or with the hands) until a dough forms. Cover and let it rise for 1 hrs at a warm place.

In the meantime, you can make the Vanilla Sauce. In a saucepan add the 2 Eggs and the Sugar and whisk it until its nice and smooth. Now add the Vanilla extract and the Cornstarch and mix it well. Now add the heavy whipping cream and the milk and mix it well.

On medium heat, set the Sauce to cook, constantly stirring for like 6 min or until it sets. Its getting
really nice and creamy. Put aside.

Mix around 4 TSP of Plum Marmalade with a bit of Rum Flavor. Set aside. In a small bowl, mix Poppy Seeds with a bit powdered Sugar. Set aside.

After the 1 hrs the dough should have doubled in size. If not, let it sit a bit longer. Take it out on a floured surface and make a nice little ball. Divide that bowl into 4. Form the 4 Balls into shape and flatten it. Add 1 TSP of the Plum Marmalade. Close it thorough and form it back to a ball. Slightly cover with Flour so they don't stick. Cover it and let rise another 30 min..

In a big bowl, add 1 inch (2,5 cm) of hot water. Put the Dumplings on a oiled steamer insert. Cover and steam it for 15-17 min..

Take them out, pour the Vanilla Sauce over it and garnish it with the Poppy Seeds and serve.

Guten Appetit

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