Thursday, December 6, 2018

Pho - 30 min soup for the quick appetite


This viatnamese soup is very popular, and, good. But not everyone has a good viatnamese
Restaurant around the corner. Or, the 10 hrs to cook the broth.
I found in one of those thousand recipes a really good and fast one. To satisfy your appetite.
The other ingredients like the Thai Basil, however, is another story. I used regular Basil what is
not the same, but out of desperation. I just couldn't get in my sleepy little town some Thai Basil.

The other ingredients are thin sliced beef (what cooks in the hot broth as soon as it touches
the plate). Soy beans, green onions, Pepperoni (whom likes), rice noodles and lime. Here I am just going to write the recipe for the Broth. The rest is not really something you can do home style.
Just buy it lol.

This is what you need:

- 1 TBSP black peppercorn

- 1 TBSP Coriander seed

- 4 Star anise

- 4 x 2-3 inches spring onion

- 2 inch piece fresh and sliced Ginger

- 4 Cups hot water

- 8 Cups chicken broth (or vegetable broth if you are vegetarian)

- 1/4 cup Fish sauce

This is how you do it:

In a hot large soup pot put in the black peppercorn, Coriander Seed and the star anise and cook it for 2 min.. Then add the sliced Ginger and green onion and cook it for another 2 min. (no oil, no nothing).

Now add the 4 cups hot water and the 8 cups chicken broth and simmer covered for 5 min.. Remove all the solids with a colander and add the Fish sauce. Simmer covered for another 3 min..


Told ya, it was quick and easy. And tastes almost as good as from a Restaurant. 

Guten Appetit

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