Saturday, September 1, 2018

Zwetschgenknoedel -- Plum Potato dumplings

                   Plum Potato dumplings 

It's slightly sweet, but not overwhelming. It can be eaten as a dessert or as a snack in between or as dinner.

This recipe here is not completely complete. I will have to work on the exact measurments.
Be a bit patient with me.

This is what you need:

- 5 small golden Potatoes (around 250 gr)

- 1 Egg

- 2 TBSP Sugar (leave that out when you do the regular side dumplings)

- pinch of salt

- 2 TBSP Potato Starch (or Corn Starch)

- around 250 gr Flour

- Plums, pitted and cut in 4th 

- Bread crumbs, cinnamon, sugar, Butter for the coating

This is how you do it:

Cook the Potatoes without salt and in the skin until soft. (I use a Tupperware microwave safe bowl where I add just a tiny bit water and put them Microwave for 10 min). Them them completely cool off. 

Once the Potatoes are cooled, peel and strain them through a masher to get them fine as for mashed Potatoes. Add the sugar, salt, Potato Starch and the egg. Add spoon by spoon the Flour until you have a nice and smooth dough. It should not stick much any more. 

Roll it out to a sausage and cut them in 2 inch pieces. Take one piece, add the Plum in the middle and then add another piece on top and form it to a ball. Roll it in Flour so they don't stick. 

In a big pot, bring water to a boil and add just a pinch of Salt. Once the water is boiling, add the Potato dumplings and let them sit in the hot but NOT boiling water until they start floating to the top. You might want to stir them once in between so they don't stick to the bottom. That will take roughly 15-20 min.. Just be sure that the water is not boiling while the dumplings are in. 

In a big frying pan, add 2 TBSP Butter. Let it melt slowly. Then remove from the heat and add around 1 cup breadcrumbs, 2 TSP Cinnamon and around 1 TBSP Sugar. You might add a bit more if you think that wouldn't be enough. I made 7 small dumplings. I still had left overs.

Addons: I had the half of the dough left. I put it in the fridge and will use it with more Plums, once I bought more lol.

I like to serve it with Vanilla Sauce. You can also use Plum Marmalade as a side. Or eat them just plain as they are.

Guten Appetit 

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